From time to time in the course of human events, in the preservation of liberty, in the advancement of enlightened societies, there is necessity to prune a dead branch from the Tree of Liberty, refresh its roots with the blood of tyrants; exemplifying terroristic behaviour that should be avoided by others. Judge Anthony Truglia, Jr., presiding jerk of Bridgeport family court is a source of manure for the roots of liberty. A moron in a black robe, appointed to the bench on political favoritism, lacking any fibre of prudence to be a jurist, dumped in family court to protect real courts from his perfidy. Truglia cannot even read, he so damn stupid.
The WOP from Stamford violates state law to prove his manliness in denying mothers’ access to court. Jerk Truglia masturbates on the redress clause of the First Amendment, ignores open court clause of state rag Article First §10, willfully violates state statute §52-123 which prohibits a jewdicial authority from denying court access based on circumstantial errors, mistakes, or defects in pleading. A law enacted in the early 1800’s by a sovereign people to prevent jackasses like Truglia from being a jackass while sucking up a state paycheck. What is most amazing is that Patrick Carroll’s efile system prints a receipt for a properly filed motion under rule PB§4-4, but when the properly filed motion gets to Truglia it is suddenly sua sponte improper for fabricated excuse of non-compliance with old paper filing rule PB§10-12.
Blog’s psychology department concludes that Judge Truglia suffers a mental impairment inhibiting comprehension of due process, rules; possessing a psychosis triggering hatred of mothers’ pleadings to hug children, psychopathic manifestations making him a danger to himself, begging a patriot’s .50 cal to the head. A retard who cannot follow practice rules, comply with state law, or act as a human, cannot sit in judgement of best interests of children. Truglia begs his own demise, tar & feathers, headless river float, or heavy medication, a straight jacket, in the psyche ward. Under Canon Rule 2.14, judicial management has cause to deal with the nut job, lest an angry mob be forced to take up the issue. His defect is likely genetic inherited from his mother’s side of the family.
The conduct of family court judges like Truglia proves again that the big dumb nigger Chief Justice Robinson cannot run the Branch, cannot properly train judges, cannot train clerks, cannot promulgate proper procedures to ensure due process and equal protection, allows for rogue judges to terrorize litigants, allowing terrorism in the people’s courts; something a Charter Oak branch and a noose can fix.