The now-famous Blog applies First Amendment scrutiny to discretionary matters in a public forum of Bridgeport Superior Court by jew Judge Elizabeth Stewart, in the cesspool of Connecticut. How jews override rule of law, shred the Constitution to fuck up goy children in an evil quest to destroy the concept of family, degrade motherhood, and herd four legged calves into the slaughterhouse of humanity. Oi vey, are there enough .50 cals for all the chosen heads in need of redemption? What other remedy remains to protect the children from the monsters in black robes and their pet flying monkeys?
A no-fault divorce, a jewish invention, is only available from the jewdicial branch of government, by design of the ruling elite. The DMV would do a better job. A truly modern secular society would have a smart phone app to dissolve the meaningless marital bond, which today is only a filing status of the Internal Revenue Service. There is no meaning to marriage in a place called Connecticut. The jews of New Haven recognize ‘marriage’ of sodomites like Justice Andrew McDonald to his fudge packin’ buddy Charlie Gray, in the same manner as a man and a woman, joined in matrimony to have children, be a family unit, and contribute to the propagation of the human race. Like the IRS has a filing status for fudge packers? What are societal benefits of male pairs practicing butt sex? Only the jew promotes such cultural behavior.
Modern man must be skeptical of what jews promote. Jew cunt Elizabeth Stewart wields unbridled discretion from the bench to inject jewish psychobabble into the private life of teenage children who are the unfortunate victims of a nutjob father. Daddy spent sixteen years in marriage proving his monstrous self to his children, acting as a lousy husband, a total jerk, where now jew Judge Stewart directs Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD to do some voo doo mind control on the kids to alter reality. Jews call this re-unification therapy. No definition, no diagnosis, no published protocols, no measure of efficacy, just a jewish scam, singularly controlled by family court jews to fuck over goy kids. If dad beats up mom in front of the kids, it is child abuse. Jews like Stewart and Horowitz brainwash kids to believe mom deserved the beating, daddy just training the wayward bitch that goy motherhood holds no value in jew altered reality. Jewish ideology is alien to humanity.
There are no state approved vendors to provide psycho services to family court, so how does a jew like Stewart order something that the state does not recognize? The jewish mafia overrides the rule of law with a little word salad and vagueness. Stewart orders therapy but leaves it up to others to recommend the highly qualified therapist to execute the vague order. Note, vagueness is a mark of the beast, a red flag indicating unconstitutional jewdicial misconduct. See if you can follow the scam. Jew judge orders therapy on recommendation of the GAL, calls it re-unification, no diagnosis, jew GAL makes inquiry to jew custody evaluator, jew therapist provides names of fellow jews who meet the vague description penned by jew judge, then BOOM! A list of four highly recommended jews: Beth Karassik, Eric Frazer, Linda Smith, John Collins. All deviant jewish filth who are now blessed by the court to interfere with the private lives of goy families, further spreading jewish poison to damage the kids. Note how that little jewish circle jerk violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? The court of Jew Stewart improperly delegates its authority into the cesspool of jewish vultures. Pretty slick!!! But Blog sees all, where Elizabeth Stewart will soon cower in her chambers in fear of the approaching mob, a vat of tar and a sack of feathers awaits the jewish shitbag. Might find her hiding in her basement at 68 Fennbrook Drive in Hamden as well. Her communist effort at being a judge will provide sustenance for crustaceans of Long Island Sound when her headless corpse slips beneath the surface, dragged down by a soggy black robe with a Practice Book chained to her waist. Another domestic terrorist deposed. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it.
From what pseudo authority does Stewart spew forth an unqualified prescription of ‘therapy’ to children not joined in suit, in falsely assumed post judgement jurisdiction? The jew puppet legislature enacted CGS ยง46b-56(i) in 2003, which reads: (i) As part of a decision concerning custody or visitation, the court may order either parent or both of the parents and any child of such parents to participate in counseling, provided such participation is in the best interests of the child. The jewish word salad standard of ‘best interest of child’ is the catch all unconstitutional usurped authority to order anything for a child, as long as it provides revenue for a jew. In Stewart’s latest jewdicial shit show, she blesses Dr. Robert Horowitz and scoundrel Lisa Kerin with $250/hr in undefined, unspecified, unregulated gifted revenue streams. Stewart trips up. The parents in this case have custody of the kids, not the State, so only the parents can make healthcare decisions for their kids, not the jew judge with the mental defect of failing to recognize the limits of the Fourteenth Amendment. A well regulated parental militia, necessary for the protection of children, having bare arms and .50 cals might be on the move with night scopes.
Editor’s Note: Blog legal department finds the vagueness of Stewart’s orders to be unreasonable for judicial prose, suspecting her decision is written by a third party in design for lucrative post judgement conflict and litigation.