The clowns of the Connecticut Judiciary never cease to amaze in their inability to follow the simple recipe of due process set down in practice rules, ignored by the morons in black along with the brainless zombies labelled clerks. The judicial circus of Adelman and Moukawsher attempted the flaming juggling act on disbarring a zealous advocate but lit the dumpster on fire, taking due process with it.
The Ambrose case continues to demonstrate that the ‘discretion’ of feeble minded trial court judges cannot uphold the law, which is often replaced by outright comedy. Remember that the Dark Lord woke up one morning in early November thinking he needed his pal Judge Moukawsher to decide if he should be kicked off the Ambrose trial for being a jerk for keeping kids isolated from mom based on irrational beliefs of a jewish psychobabblist, a simple PB§1-22(b) proceeding. Then Moukawsher said ‘whaaaaat’, I will not decide this, bring me a motion to disqualify, under PB§1-23, which was presented by the defendant, which the retarded twisted eyed moron flipped to disbar the advocate for no cause other than annoying the crooked players of child trafficking and thievery of the jewdicial branch. Assassination complete! Adelman drags mom back to trial without counsel for the final momectomy, to the glee of jew lawyers Aldrich and Hurwitz who will soon cash out on the decree. Moukawsher moves the disbarment matter to a separate case not to interfere with Adelman’s final lynching of mom and disposal of the kids. Then comes trouble.
Moukawsher, being the idiot he is, committed two fatal errors, both overlooked by all the professionals drooling over fees. First, he got so confused over Adelman’s referral on disqualification, he did not understand the issue to be reviewed, failed to ask for clarification, then solicited a motion to disqualify Adelman for his own review, absent jurisdiction. The trial was in progress, interrupted by Adelman’s sua sponte brain fart, where Moukawsher ran it to left field, up the bleachers, over the fence, and out of the ball park; cuz he is so fucking stooopid!!! Succinctly, Moukawsher lacked authority/jurisdiction to solicit a disqual motion nor hear it himself. Any DQ motion from litigants goes to the trial judge, who is Adelman. Fatal error, no recovery possible, due process/equal protection to the wind, Moukawsher proves he is a clueless judge, unaware of how a court works. Second fatal flaw by Moukawsher is to ‘create’ a case, taking the disbarment of the advocate out of the divorce proceeding, putting it in a basket called ‘In re:‘ so he could skin the advocate alive without involving the dissolution case, leaving the unrepresented defendant to the jaws of Adelman. Clean, tidy, but tragically un-constitutional, no original jurisdiction, no notice, no summons, no complaint, just another Mouk fuck up for the history books.
Enter the great grey ponytail, giant of the profession, slash and burn trial lawyer, lover of Ked’s sneakers Norm Pattis to file an appeal in the ‘In re:’ case, where the shit really starts to stink. The stink is compounded by smelly tampons sisters Leanne Larson and Corrine Boni who are brought in by twisted logic of Moukawsher ignoring that mom is being dragged before Adelman without counsel. Oooops, practice rules being ignored? Yep, pretty much all of ’em. Par for the course for the cesspool of family court, where raping childhood and draining family bank are the legal priorities to which all legal protections yield. Just another day in the gulag.
Things get so out of hand that Attorney General Tong files an appearance on behalf of the entire Judicial Branch to counter Norm’s effort to apply the rule of law. Tong will represent the entire Branch before three appellate judges of the same Branch. WTF? Soon appellate case manger Jeanne Dullea head spins, as there can be no appeal taken from the fabricated In re: suit, the AG cannot appear in a fabricated appeal, Norm’s appeal goes into the dumpster; Moukawsher is outside the law. The fuck up, dun fucked up. The appellate court directs that a proper Writ of Error be brought under PB§72 from the dissolution case, the only real case at hand. Cheers! Due process is back on track! But wait, the Writ triggers and automatic stay of the disbarment order, meaning the zealous advocate is not disbarred, meaning no one knows what they are doing. Buh, buhh, buhht, Adelman already resumed trial without the defendant and counsel of record! Oh noes!! Dumbster fire flames grow taller and hotter. Adelman violates due process set down in practice rule by ignoring Moukawsher’s misconduct, fabricated case, requirements of PB§72, the automatic stay, oh shit, the dumpster is an inferno, fueled by incompetence of jewdicial proportions.
When the contents of the dumpster is reduced to ash, the flames died out, the smoke clears, all that is left of the Ambrose case after 400+ docket items over 980 days of protracted litigation, 36 days of trial spread across a year, over a half-million in fees, 700 days of child isolation, all for naught, just a smoldering MISTRIAL caused by jewdicial incompetence. Well done to Aldrich, Hurwitz, Adelman, Grossman, Moukawsher, Nusbaum, Callahan, played out the family bank, now time for round two, even more legal fees! The poetic justice is that none of these clowns can appear in the Writ proceedings, just Moukawsher’s record of an unjustified disbarment against the Great Grey Pony Tail before three stooges of the Appellate court. Bring popcorn!
Christopher Ambrose should get his money back that he paid for the jewdicial decision to cut mom out of the lives of the kids.
Editor’s Note: This clearly shows that CJ Robinson cannot train clerks nor judges to properly administer the law. Dumb nigger in charge of dumb crackers who can’t follow procedure or spell due process, but will decide what is best for children. Scary!