In CT Family Court Nothing’s More Conducive to Custody Disputes Than the Atmosphere of Money
After reading in FrankReport, Buying Custody of Children in the CT Family Court, a reader named Henry asked a question: “I want to buy the custody of my children. Which attorney would you recommend, and could you give me an estimate of how much it will cost?”
Guest View
by James Marsden
Henry, thanks for your question. In CT, there is no fixed price for custody. You simply need to outspend your wife. If you have joint accounts, transfer the money into your name as a precautionary measure. Possession is all 10 points of the law in CT.
High Conflict Means Money
To buy custody of children, the case must be designated “high conflict.” If your wife outspends you, she gets custody — you pay alimony and child support. High conflict will continue if you have equal wealth until you expend your life savings. Then the Department of Child and Family Services will handle the matter. If you want primary physical and legal custody but are willing to allow your wife visitation, costs run $250,000-$500,000. If you want to exclude the mother, which professionals recommend, the cost is a million dollars and more. Once selected, the GAL will choose a custody evaluator and therapists who will descend upon your family like vultures on a carcass. But they all work together to get you custody. [See The High Revenue Players Club]
Getting the mother out of your child’s life.
You have to hire a lawyer. Explain that you have money; your wife does not. She will convey that to your wife’s attorney, and they will work together to secure custody for you. Attorneys in high conflict divorce cases are like professional wrestlers. They seem to be fighting in earnest, but who wins is decided in advance. The next step is a guardian ad litem. Your attorney will select one for you and arrange for your wife’s attorney to support the selection. Make sure you keep a record of everything in writing. Emails. Texts. Create a narrative to support parental alienation. Selectively record the children. When the children do not want to see you, your professional team will use this evidence to show that the mother has alienated the children and recommend to the judge that she be removed from the children’s lives. Don’t worry about what children say. They have no standing in CT Family Court. The GAL speaks for them in court. The judge will believe the GAL, the custody evaluator, and the therapists you pay who will join in the chorus that your wife is mentally disturbed and coached the children to make false allegations, which is parental alienation. [See Mother Hunter]
Steps to Success
The first step is an emergency hearing before the judge at the request of the GAL. Your wife is not heard, only the GAL is heard, and, as far as documentary evidence, the custody evaluator’s report is final. The judge issues a temporary no-contact order between the mother and children in reliance on the recommendation of the GAL and her custody evaluator. The temporary no contact with the children and mother can be dragged out for years. If you’re smart, use this time to get your children to forget their mother or, better yet, to hate her. You will have control of the narrative since she won’t be able to contact them. Tell them she’s been determined to be insane. Tell them she’s dead if they’re young enough to believe it. She won’t be seeing them again anyway and, in effect, is dead to them. Costs for GALs are $200,000 for a good one. They bill by the hour and don’t be pennywise and dollar foolish. Get the best. [See GAL Trash]
What About Pedophilia and Incest?
CT Family Court professionals do not discriminate based on lifestyle. If your wife is competent and stable, the children want to be with her and despise you because you abuse them physically, mentally, and sexually, the cost is the same for custody in CT Family Court. [See Tong’s Child Abusers]
CT Family Court Practitioners Are Consummate Professionals
One father said, “There are things that have to be done to buy custody, and they do them and never talk about them. They don’t try to justify them. They can’t be justified. They just do them. Then they collect the money and forget it.” A glad dad said, “They don’t get dragged into the muck of families involved; no more than a hitman concerns himself with his target. They do what they are paid to do.” The professionals in CT Family Court don’t take things personally. They are calm and will reassure you that nothing is more calming, more conducive to custody disputes than the atmosphere of money. They make no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that their hands were tied by judges. A good family law attorney can provide you with references of affluent fathers who they assisted in removing the stay-at-home mothers from their children’s life. You can also talk to some mothers, but many do not have phones, and their residences are uncertain; some are homeless. A mother can be easily replaced, but an affluent father is priceless. [See Simply Money]