Discrimination is protected litigation practice in Connecticut Family Court!!! Mentally impaired Judge John David Moore, presiding judge of Litchfield Judicial District rules that court whores appointed by jew judges to malign mothers and rape childhood hold ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY by privilege created of jewdicial discretion by a doctrine not codified in law. Judge Moore claims that it is public policy to shield court whores from any form of accountability!!! Federally prohibited discriminatory conduct is protected in Connecticut’s rabbinical courts. Strange how the construction of such jew immunity is not by due process, conferred by the legislature by the will of a sovereign people, but just comes from jew judges protecting their pets. Rabbinical power is un-constitutional.
The now-famous Blog takes great due process interest in the application of nutmeg immunity, citing Judge Francis X. Hennessey, an Irish Catholic, who opined against the jews that application of immunity is to be addressed by lawmakers, as it is not judicial office to legislate. Jew puppet Judge John David Moore sez the opposite, conferring jewdicial immunity on court whores like Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD to violate federal anti-discrimination laws. Don’t need a statute, the jewdiciary just hands out ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to anyone in need of jewdicial protection. Immunity helps to silence goy mothers whose children are stolen Note that Blog famous Jewette Katz gave ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to attorneys appointed by jew judges for the purposeless duty of being gurardian ad litem in divorce matters. Jewette is a jew, wrecking the rule of law in the land of the goy. She is also delinquent on responding to recent Blog challenge. Perhaps she can take to the Law Tribune to espouse her chosen kike opinion of having unscrupulous court whores protected by ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY without legislative approval. Katz hates goy mothers! In Connecticut, the elected representatives of the sovereign people are obviously subservient to the jewdiciary, a talmudic construction. Chosen means chosen.
Connecticut jewdiciary hands out immunity like candy. Blog famous retarded Chief Justice Chase Rogers, along with her queer, jewish, dykish, and nigger supreme bench conferred immunity on a white limo driver, in 2016, shielding him from suit for causing a wreck on I-95, as he was employed by pretend Mohegans running a casino, claiming tribal sovereign immunity. The jewdicial handout of immunity was so incompetent, in defiance of American jurisprudence, a white guy claiming redman protection, that U.S. Attorney General appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the nation from the insanity of Connecticut. SCOTUS unanimously shoved the immunity down Chase’s throat, leaving her legacy of stupidity as a stain on the State forever. Like how fucking stupid are Connecticut judges; dumb and dumber.
It appears that Judge John David Moore is a stupid judge, does not understand federal law, does not realize family court vendors are covered entities under the American’s with Disabilities Act, who cannot discriminate against a mother on claim of mental defect to take children away. Judge Moore is so stupid that he does not understand judges are bound by ADA law to protect citizens from discrimination based on a disability. He holds a burden imposed by Congress to comply with the anti-discrimination provisions, which he just granted exemption by ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY. The guy is a nut. He will soon realize that his ruling is a violation of federal law and that he is liable for damages in federal court, not even Connecticut holds immunity under the ADA, the Eleventh Amendment does not protect. Moore is less.
All eyes on the commie chink Attorney General, Little Dick Tonger, who cannot defend Moore in federal court for violation of federal law. Tong holds legal duty to enforce the federal law in the state, which will be hammered for using federal money to deprive citizens of protected civil rights. The fuck up is huge and will be expensive. Nigger boy Chief Justice Robinson is running a court system in defiance of federal law, while misusing federal funds. Free at last!
ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY for vendors is a jewdicial necessity to rape childhoods and traffic children in Connecticut Family Court. Judge John David Moore sez so!!!!
Stay tuned!! Jewette Katz will soon be baptized, AG Tong will admit families don’t matter and he hates his mother, a lynch mob will hunt Chief Nigger Boy Robinson, mothers across the state will be asking the legislature WTF?, chief family court Judge Michael Albis cowers in his chambers, family judges up their rates for purchased decisions, broad jewdicial discretion struggles to override federal law, spox Melissa Farley remains silent, family Bar Association chair Alexander Cuda perishes in a fiery car crash, headless bodies in black robes drift down rivers to the Sound, nature takes its due course. Natural law creates tree fertilizer.
Editor’s Note: The system is rigged to allow a jew judge to rely on the opinion of jew quackster’s discriminatory recommendation to take the kids from mom on claim of mental state, supported by a jew GAL, where a sovereign people hold no redress because of jewish conferred immunity in a rabbinical court. The jews of Connecticut defeat the Fourteenth Amendment. Raping childhood is a jewish delicacy.