Why is a psychologist from UCONN Health filing an affidavit in a family case in Connecticut Superior Court? Damion Grasso plays fraud upon society, advertised as a professional at the UCONN Health Center, treating children with psychobabble of no known efficacy. He has such magical powers that he can instantly pen affidavits on demand for deceptive pedo lawyers to support EMERGENCY court action to protect a child, two weeks after his ‘therapy’ session. The entry of UCONN Health in family court by fraudulent affidavits of their so-called healthcare professionals is quite troubling. The ususal psychological scam artists who prey upon unsuspecting children caught up in family court are jews who support child rape. It is doubtful that the Board of UCONN Health condones Grasso’s extra-curricular activities that attempted to sever the father-son bond by misleading a court of law.
The now famous blog provides a copy of Dr. Grasso’s sworn statement, which was filed with a fabricated EMERGENCY EX-PARTE MOTION FOR SOLE CUSTODY AND ORDER OF NO VISITATION. Can’t make this shit up. Read it here.
More enlightened readers will instantly recognize the HIPAA privacy violations of a doctor’s disclosure of patient information into the public domain of a court. The obvious departure from protocols in assessing a child who may be subject to abuse, while in the presence of the suspected abusers. The insanity of a claim that the child was providing evidence of abuse or injury by dad. The lack of follow up with child protective services. Dr. Grasso is a mandatory reporter who does not make a mandatory report, but writes lies for the court. For such an educated professional in the employ of UCONN Health, the writing is close to chicken scratch, being inflammatory, but lacking any conclusion other than a ‘concern’.
Did the good doctor not realize that the family court limits dad’s contact with his son to seven hours a week, in violation of state law? Does a psychologist not recognize that forced isolation of son from dad is child abuse under federal law? Is Grasso playing stupid or just playing along with the pedophiles to traffic Odin? Did Grasso inquire about live-in boyfriend Dennis O’Toole, who funds mom’s legal battle to cut dad out of Odin’s life? Grasso can’t see the pedophile interest by O’Toole and his pals? Did Grasso not suspect that mother, Francelia Sevin, is just a bit whacked in her deviant desires to isolate a child from father?
Professional blog aficionados can see the scam. Mom is a tramp, geezer boyfriend O’Toole has money and deviant use for little boy ass, dyke law firm of FreedMarcroft is paid by O’Toole’s friends to isolate Odin from dad, Odin gets drugged and raped, conditioned to be scared to tell anyone his butt hurts. Typical pedo play. The involvement of Dr. Linda Smith, PhD in the custody eval, Attorney Margaret Bozek as the GAL, the appearance of Attorney Sue Cousineau, false arrests of dad by Glastonbury Police for false violations of a restraining order issued by pedophile Judge Tammy Viet-Nguyen, and even the latest being mother’s protection by SGT Doyon of the Manchester Police all point to the fact that Odin is being trafficked. Only surprise is that UCONN Health has now exposed themselves as pedo players.
This is Connecticut, where the screams of children are silenced by the ring, with the help of UCONN Health!