The New York State taxpayer is funding a subversive force that argues against facts of bruises, lacerations and broken bones. Facts of reality, the handy work of the manly Matthew Condel Couloute, woman beater. Manly man, showing his manhood by pummeling his daughter’s mother; a clinical psycho case study he is. But the amazing story is that Attorney Kelly L. Ball of the Erie County Bar, will argue the bruises were not permanent, eventually disappeared, that the lacerations took only a few stitches and the broken bones were not cracked all the way through. Ball’s argument was paid for by the public, in apposite to state policy on prevention of domestic violence. Ball is specially trained by the Fourth Department’s Attorneys for Children Program under supervision of Attorney Tracy Hamilton and her all female support staff, who specialize in having mothers legally beaten up in court by their fellow Bar mates.
Kelly Linn Ball is a miscreant of a human. She sells her soul to the devil for a few scheckles from flesh traders who have perverted use for a five-year old little girl, who like to get naked with her, slip her some special medicine helping her forget things, play Baby Dragon games with diseased male appendages, some white, some black; she even gets dressed up to role play for high paying customers of her pimp father. Poor little girl knows far too much about male genitalia and where it does not fit, for her not to be classified as a victim of sexual abuse and child trafficking. Her mother was beaten and broken by the same father monster.
Don’t let facts get in the way of the pedo child trafficking court of Judge Sharon LoVallo, a paid pedo puppet and enemy of the people. Attorney Ball is paid to represent the sexually abused child, said abuse confirmed by Erie County Department of Social services and the Buffalo Children’s Hospital. Her duty as set down by Tracy Hamilton’s program is to represent the child’s position….zealously advocate the child’s position per the NYSBA standards. Pretty simple, kid wants to live with mom in Buffalo where she has been for a year, with school, friends, family, church, dog, grandparents, routine; even state provided health insurance. Why does Attorney Kelly Linn Ball advocate otherwise? Paying customers are waiting in Georgia?
Attorney Ball argues before Judge LoVallo that mom is really not a victim of domestic violence, that Matthew Couloute is not a bad women beater, just his Black Lives Matter way of showing his love for white women. If black man don’t beat his woman, it shows he don’t love her! Baby mommas get extra lovin’ in black man’s manly world.
Attorney Ball argues that Couloute did not break mother’s bones all the way through; after all domestic violence is just a deserving bitch’s excuse for why she had to be beaten; beating by manly black man. Public funds, financing a legal argument by an attorney whose sole purpose is to zealously advocate the child’s position argues in a court of law, a public forum, subject to public scrutiny that a beaten mother is not a victim of domestic violence and is not entitled to protection under NY state law or even consideration under the federal Violence Against Women Act. Terrorists run Erie County Family Court.
Anyone really believe that mother’s own five-year old daughter asked her lawyer to argue that mommy was not really beaten by daddy? Attorney misconduct? Malpractice? Misuse of public funds? Federal funds? Fraud upon the court? Criminal conduct by Ball?
Needless to say, the state funded and pedo preferred argument was accepted by the judicial authority under the direction of the state pedo ring. Mother is no longer a DV victim by ruling of Judge LoVallo. The beatings were acts of black man love. The child was ripped out of safe haven, taken out of school and relocated to Cumming, Georgia with father who does not have a job, nor does he own a car, nor does he have a house, nor can he provide medical insurance to the child. This is the third relocation for the child in a year, all because of the reckless conduct of Matthew Couloute and doting care by Judge Sharon LoVallo.
Couloute has failed to pay a dime of court ordered child support for his daughter Sofia over the last three years. He refused to comply with Erie County Magistrate Dee’s temporary order of $100 a week, but hired lawyers for himself in Buffalo. He refused Dee’s order to comply with state child support laws to disclose his financials; thumbing his nose at the court knowing he is protected. Judge LoVallo, well aware of Couloute’s contempt of court orders, protects her black pedo man rather than uphold the law. LoVallo even protects Couloute from consequences of his own perjury in her court. He swears he lives in Bloomfield, Connecticut, but the Erie County Sheriffs turn up his Georgia driver’s license with the Cumming address. So perjury boy admits to living in Cumming and LoVallo ignores it. Perjury is a felony under NY Penal Article 210.15, but not for black manly man who beats baby mamma for pleasure and trafficks kids.
Sofi now lives in Georgia with no health insurance with the black man that beat her mother and broke her bones, who has no verifiable job or income, does not file tax returns, never paid child support, a criminal of such reputation that his law license has been suspended in two states. But the pedo ring needs a toy and the toy has fans in Georgia, pleasure and revenue flow to Couloute, courtesy of Judge Sharon LoVallo, based on claim by Attorney Kelly Linn Ball on behalf of five-year old Sofi Couloute that mother is really not a victim of daddy’s beatings and that Children’s Hospital got it all wrong that Sofi is a victim of sexual abuse…..silly doctors.
Kelly Linn Ball is one hell of a lawyer….or just a pedo puppet in a pedo court paid by pedos along with the judge to deliver the play toy.

Save the date! Matthew Condel Couloute is getting married in November to Annette Shaffer, another white woman with a house and health insurance for Sofi and Xavier. Meet the next victim of the manipulator, con man and women beater, the new step mother of Sofi. If she does not have STD’s now, she will on her wedding night. Obviously black women know this niggah’s game.