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Jews v Christians

Time for another casual observation of the internal jihad by the jewish judges of family court.  Let’s take Judge Richard B. Meyer, legal retard who uses public funds to override the rule of law by championing the Talmud.  His family court dungeon is independent of the New York Unified Court System.

Citing case law before this constitutional terrorist illuminates how jewdicial discretion undermines the legitimacy of the court, enabling child trafficking under the color of rabbinical law.  The jew judge betrayed his oath and exposed his unfaithfulness to the law when he stated from the bench “I don’t care what Judge Yesawich said!”.

Judge Paul “Hooks” Yesawich, Jr. was a patriot and former judge of the appellate court.  He wrote the opinion in Turner v Turner 260 AD2d 953 (1999)  restating twenty years of family case law that isolating a child from a parent is inimical to best interests and interfering parent should be considered unfit.  Yesawich, J., sat on the appellate court of the Third Department whose opinions are binding upon the jewish court of Dick Meyer.

Just by the numbers, Turner cited five previous appellate division cases and two court of appeals cases upholding the opinion of Yesawich, J.   Thirty appellate judges and fourteen Appeals judges support the opinion, which has been cited over eighteen times, as recently as October 2016, affirming thirty eight years of stare decisis, protecting parent/child bonds,  but it only takes one jew in the lowest trial court to overrule.  One jew in a black robe exercising Talmud discretion crushes forty four senior justices of higher courts who dare uphold christian values.

See how the game is played?  Case law containing elements of christian teachings that protect the sanctity of the parent/child relationship will not be entertained in a New York Jewish Family Court.  The Talmud does not allow for this and Judge Meyer’s oath is not to the laws of the State.  Zionist agenda usurps rule of law in the land of the free and the home of the goyim.  Sorry, you people are just not the chosen ones.

Judge Richard Blair Meyer
Justice Paul “Hooks” Yesawich