Kundry’s Revenge
How a cult secretly operates in the Connecticut judiciary to traffick children to a private agenda.
How a cult secretly operates in the Connecticut judiciary to traffick children to a private agenda.
How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.
Judge Anna Ficeto refuses to state reason for trafficking two little girls and will not define ’emergency’. Child trafficker in black robe in the legal rape of children.
Judge Anna Ficeto works to isolate the children from mother with the help of state employees. Town of Watertown facing court restraining order.
Judge Ficeto delivers purchased decision to steal kids from mom. Cash paid to earase mom from lives of children.
Connecticut Judicial Marshals ordered to harass the public in courtroom by direction of Judge.
Cold hard cash is all that the judges of Family Court want to see. No law, just cash.
Cracker lawyers, toasted cracker judge, cracker cancerous GAL gonna lynch white mother in a courthouse.
Attorney Michael Fasano discovers there is Free Speech in America and it is on the internet.
Another example of lawyers engaging in fictitious post judgment litigation to line their pockets. Cancerous Mary Brigham conspires with Michael Fasano in failed attempt to steal the kids and erase mom.