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Hate Tong

    Let’s examine what is driving the little prick of a chinaman from Stamford/Darien, Connecticut’s own William Tong.  Lately he has been shooting off his mouth about ‘hate crimes’ because of opposing political viewpoints of people he hates, expressed under the protection of the First Amendment.  Obviously, there is too much Mao in this transplanted Chinese Communist.  Some defect in his DNA makes him think he can silence political debate and make people read from the same page of a little book. Tong the constitutional clown was educated at Brown University and Chicago Law, where he learned nothing of being an American.  We the people don’t take shit from little brats… Read More »Hate Tong

    Hartford Courant: Famous Blog

      The now famous blog is FAMOUS.  Political reporter Neil Vigdor has cited a post in the now famous blog in his recent article on the nomination of judicial miscreant Andrew McDonald to head the third branch of the Connecticut government.  The oldest, continuously published newspaper in America picked up this famous blog for a ‘smear’. The editors of the Hartford Courant needed a citation to bring attention to the LGBT agenda of Governor Malloy in nominating a totally unqualified gay fuck buddy of the state’s deviant power structure.  The state will soon boast having the first sodomite Chief Justice, whose only qualification is sexual deviancy and ability to pleasure Malloy.… Read More »Hartford Courant: Famous Blog

      Debench Judge Schofield

        This Monday brings the jewish miscreant mistake of a pathetic human, Judge Marielouise Schofield before the anti-constitutional judiciary committee, where T shirts will be banned!!! Miscreant Marielouise is a dirty trickster of a judge.  She is most famous for the ‘sting’ she pulled on Mike Nowacki in a postjudgment family matter.  Schofield appointed AIPAC JAP (jewish american princess) Attorney Veronica Reich as GAL for the kids.  Directed by a wink and a nod from the bench, Reich improperly filed a motion to modify custody on behalf of Mike’s children.  A completely illegal filing as GALs have no standing in law to file any motions.  But don’t let rules of practice or… Read More »Debench Judge Schofield

        Tong & Doyle Suppress Freedom of Speech

          The Tree of Liberty is parched.  Two attorneys masquerading as representatives of the people shred the First Amendment to protect miscreant judges from public expression.  Sen. Paul Doyle and Rep. William Tong acting as domestic enemies of the Constitution in full public view. Note the conduct is a criminal offense under 18 USC 241, conspiracy in deprivation of rights. See the criminal conduct for yourself:

          Lack of Principle Scully

            Time to take a look at how the corrupt pedophile enclave of Watertown, Connecticut uses the public school system to harm children in the destruction of parent/child bonds.  Yes, this is the never ending drama of pedo monster and child predator William J. Grohs, his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano and the devil’s bitch GAL Attorney Mary Brigham.  Daddy Grohs has such a little dick and over inflated ego that he needs to use the two girls Evie and Sofie as weapons of vengeance against their own mother to prove his manhood.  Obviously the perpetual live in fiancée Vickie Frenzel is not putting out enough that William Grohs has to psychologically screw… Read More »Lack of Principle Scully

            William Tong: Domestic Enemy

              Oath keepers of the country are sworn to defend the Constitution from ‘all enemies’, foreign and domestic.  Democrat state representative William Tong of the 147th district, declared himself a domestic enemy of the Constitution on Friday by restricting freedom of speech of the public in open legislative hearing by ordering free citizens to remove T-shirts which expressed their opposition to the reappointment of Judge Jane Emons.  So called representative of the people and pathetic lawyer William Tong in conspiracy with other constitutional butchers of the Judiciary Committee had a discussion where the First Amendment was invalidated.  Here is treasonist declaration here. To wit:  “Ms. Puzone we’ve had a discussion today… Read More »William Tong: Domestic Enemy

              Sen. John Kissel: Hater

                The state of Corrupticut put on a most unconstitutional display of malfeasance by the actions of the Zionist leadership of the Judiciary Committee  on Friday.  The guest of honor was the notorious jewish mistake of a judge, the billboard famous Jane B. Emons, a heartless family court clown with the brains of a newt and the vengeance of Kundry.   A vile and evil aged sloth who acts solely to destroy the American and Christian concept of family.  A professional thief, a racketeer, a true scoundrel who uses the court to destroy families and plunder college savings accounts.  A true jew exercising Kundry’s revenge on the followers of Christ. The jew… Read More »Sen. John Kissel: Hater

                Grey Ponytail Gets Lubed

                  Another sad day in the so called Connecticut Superior Court.  The gay sambo Judge Ernest Green, Jr. did roll up the Constitution, applied lube and bent the giant of the profession Attorney Norm Pattis over the Bar and rammed the First Amendment up his pooper chute, while state prosecutor David J. Smith masturbated in his swastika print underpants. The pedo utopia executives of Connecticut are mad.  They don’t like being criticised for promoting their un American, non Christian and totally jewish agenda from behind the cloak of black robes in the Judiciary.  The jews’ muscle, State Police under pedo control of Colonel Alaric Fox will arrest anyone who speaks out… Read More »Grey Ponytail Gets Lubed

                  Two Faced Corrupticut

                    The reputation of the State of Connecticut as the second most corrupt territory in the United States of America is legendary.  The runner up to Illinois may be making a run for the gold medal of governmental malfeasance.  This week the gay boy governor Danny Malloy and pedo Senator Richie Blumenthal out did themselves for violation of due process and equal protection.  Gay Gov and Pedo Senator have come to the public aid of a Chinaman who broke the law by entering the country illegally. The Courant is falling all over itself in puff piece leftist article by caffeine junky Jordan Otero Sisson in exalting the efforts of gender confused democrats to… Read More »Two Faced Corrupticut

                    Jewdicial Sodomites

                      The Connecticut Miscreant Utopia has iced the cake with the Homo Governor Malloy’s nomination of fellow sodomite Andrew J. McDonald.  The State Pedo Utopia has now conquered the judicial branch in complete sexual deviancy.  A civilized society now relies on the leadership and judgment of a jewdicial sodomite in upholding the rule of law. Being a homosexual and having close ties to the sexually deviant Daniel Malloy pushing a non-Christian and un-American agenda upon a benevolent people is a sure path to Chief Justice of Corrupticut.  The illicit path of McDonald weaves through no name law schools, insider government appointments, sexually deviant Stamford municipal staffs, affiliations with the most notorious,… Read More »Jewdicial Sodomites