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Terrorizing The Terrorists

    Connecticut’s big black man in the black robe, Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson has declared himself a terrorist, a domestic enemy of the Constitution, a black tyrant in a black robe.  The gauntlet has been thrown. The descendent of a slave has conspired with another black man and five crackers to defeat the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  In Connecticut v Taupier, the seven dwarfs of Corrupticut’s highest court have ruled that speaking ill of your masters is not protected speech.  Ranting and raving among friends about the terroristic conduct of the Family Court will now be silenced.  The niggers, jews and faggots of Connecticut have joined forces to… Read More »Terrorizing The Terrorists

    Bozzuto Barf

      The propaganda ministry of Corrupticut never sleeps.  The worst, nastiest, evil, foul, miscreant, retarded and disgustingly dykish Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto has been kicked off the bench for cause, but the Law Tribune has to spoon feed the public cover story in an incompetent bit of prose by Robert Storace, @RobertSCTLaw, 203-437-5950. This blog’s favorite dyke on the byke, chief child trafficker and disciple of the great king jew Elliott N. Solomon is gone from the bench….there is a God!  Now, if he can only hit the bitch with a good bolt of lightning as penance for all the damage she has done to Christian families through the Zionist game of… Read More »Bozzuto Barf

      The Gould Conundrum

        The pedo players of Corrupticut Family Court have put Judge Mark Gould in a corner.  The illegal isolation game played by pedo Judge Anna Ficeto has blown up in Judge Gould’s courtroom, in full public view. Judge Ficeto illegally separated Evie and Sophie Grohs of Watertown from their loving mother and extended Christian family.  A jew’s trick on the gentiles.  Ignoring state law requiring constant hugs from parents, Ficeto did not document any reason for the child isolation, the state held no interest, no restraining order issued, just the discretion of a monster in a black robe working for the pedo ring.  Now a year on, Judge Gould had to… Read More »The Gould Conundrum

        Court Whore: Dr. Stephen M. Humphrey, Ph.D

          The tentacles of the Connecticut pedo ring extend far and wide among the players of Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto’s deviant family court.  The child trafficking game is precise and expensive.  Time to examine the pedo strategy of the notorious GAL, Attorney Mary Brigham in the brainwashing of Evie and Sofie Grohs, new recruits in the child trafficking game of Connecticut. Remember last year, pedo Judge Anna Ficeto isolated Evie and Sofie from their mother and entire extended Christian family on 31 August 2017, the first day of school.  In violation of state law, Judge Ficeto isolated these two girls from their mother.  No active and consistent involvement of mom in the… Read More »Court Whore: Dr. Stephen M. Humphrey, Ph.D

          Res Judicata NOT!

            Time to review a little history to see how the jewish sponsored custody fights became the main revenue generator for family court lawyers.  Remember, family court is designed by jews, operated by jews and serves the zionistic principle of destruction of families; the building blocks of a Christian society.  The AFCC is a jewish organization operated to advance a very Zionist and anti-Christian agenda. The judges and the lawyers, joined at the hip through the mafia bosses of the Family Bar Association, hold a sole purpose to protect and expand revenue flows from family savings accounts to private pockets;  also known as theft.  The court players are expert at fanning… Read More »Res Judicata NOT!

            Excommunicate Judge Anna Ficeto

              What is the point of having a judge more unfaithful to God than she is to the law?  Judge Anna Ficeto is a notorious child trafficker of the Connecticut Family Court, who pretends to be of the Roman Catholic faith.  She goes to church on Sunday, she takes communion, she is seen kneeling, standing, sitting during the Mass, even praying.  But when she puts on a black robe, ascends to the bench, she becomes Satan’s hand. Why would a practicing Catholic find cause to use God’s gifts of children, as weapons in litigation?  The Fourth Commandment is effectively codified in the laws of Connecticut; protection of families, protection of children,… Read More »Excommunicate Judge Anna Ficeto

              Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

                It is that time of year again, musical chairs in the Connecticut judiciary.  The new assignment list is out.  There are some surprises and some surprises.  Looks like the new Chief Justice, Richard Robinson is making some changes.  Let’s examine how the black man in the black robe is cleaning up the jewish stains on family court. Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, the dyke on the byke, deviant miscreant head of family court is dethroned.  No court needs such an incompetent judge, so she has been given the desk job of Deputy Administrator under Judge Carroll.  (sorry Pat, no blow jobs for you, she does not do dick). Bozzuto is displacing King… Read More »Cesspool Swirl: CT Judicial Assignments

                A Tale of Two Courts

                  We take notice of two different court systems in two different states under the same Constitution in the republic affectionately known as the United States of America.  A tale of two incompetent family court judges, one white, one black, both females of significant mental defect as to require their removal from the bench for cause. The black female miscreant family court judge is Lyris F. Younge, who after only 31 months on the bench had proven to the people of Philadelphia that she needed to be removed to uphold the integrity of the court.  Stepping up to the plate, senior judicial management, head judge Sheila Woods-Skipper, of Common Pleas court,… Read More »A Tale of Two Courts

                  Jew’s Best Interest

                    The chosen law firm of Pullman&Comley has filed the jewish version of the ‘best interests’ of the child on behalf of Tanya Taupier, Vice President of Human Resources at Aetna Insurance in her drama of a divorce case.  Our old friend and blog star, the pedo battle axe Annie Dranginis, has filed for cutting off the kids from Dad as a ‘best interest’ consideration to be taken up by the court of Judge Mark T. Gould in Middletown on 2 July in the Battle of the Titans. Yes, folks, read it for yourself here, the professional filings of a retired State judge who believes that destruction of parent-child bonds is… Read More »Jew’s Best Interest

                    Court Whore: Karen Florin

                      Time to focus on another court whore, Karen Florin of The New London Day newsrag.  Karen is a self-labeled ‘court reporter’ who is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the jewdicial mafia that runs the Judiciary of Connecticut.  Her latest piece on the shit canning of Judge Jane Emons  by ‘we the people’ is just sour grapes disguised as news. Jane Emons was kicked off the bench on 4 May because she was not reconfirmed, because she was a terrible judge.  Old news. On 17 June, Florin publishes a rehash of the demise of the bad judge.  Really old news.  The whiners and complainers are pedo puppet Judge Patrick… Read More »Court Whore: Karen Florin