How does a K9 rookie cop of the backwoods village of Bloomfield, Connecticut get a felony arrest warrant to drag a battered mother out of safe haven in another state so that the abusive father can seek sole custody of a daughter he sexually abuses?
All with the assistance and approval of Chief Paul Hammick on the taxpayer’s dime. This is how the pedo utopia police protect and serve. The state pays prosecutors like Jack Whalen and Carl Ajello to obtain false arrest warrants for pedos. Judge Williams, dutifully signs warrants without reading. Governor Malloy’s office approves extradition to please the pedo masters of the state. Get the sex toy back at all costs.
Even Judge Suarez of Family Court was paid and primed to strip mother of custody, eliminate visitation and serve the pedo masters up another well trained little sex toy.
Ryan McQuigan, another known pedo player provides air cover, legal advice and uses retired pedo Judge Annie Dranginis to provide judicial muscle to traffick little kids. All because Matthew Couloute, a Connecticut pedo player and former prosecutor shares his two kids with the elite monsters.
Matthew Couloute pays no child support, breaks the bones of the mother, plays sex games with his kids, but because he was in the prosecutor’s club, he is well protected. The pedo protection is the State’s Attorney office. The pedo’s have the power of the police, the judges and the prosecutorial powers to rape any kid they want and to crush any objections to their barbaric pleasures. Officer Danaher’s daddy is Judge Danaher, go figure.