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Truglia’s Threat

The now-famous Blog ridicules the jew of Bridgeport, miscreant in a black robe, appointed to the bench as political consolation prize, banished to bowels of family court for being a fool at law, Judge Antoni Truglia wields his talmudic powers against the goy by threatening a mother with incarceration for the fault of a dysfunctional father-son relationship. Oi vey! Reality is by whim of the jew, constitutional protections ignored, rabbinical courts acting under edict of the talmud rule the land; Zyklon B relief required.

The case is Campos v Campos, another financial feast for jew lawyer Lisa Knopf who milks dad, Joao Campos of Milford for lawyer feed, now in 450 days of post judgment litigation, after 738 days of ‘no fault’ slug fest with slimy Kevin Finch as GAL and jew Jessica Caverly doing the voo doo custody evaluation, while mom’s attorney Maria McKeon sipped boxed wine by straw from her Big Gulp cup, drunkenly billing every minute of chatting on the phone about the case … Campos family of Monroe is a gravy train for a parade of lawyers: Lisa Knopf, Kevin Finch, James Hardy, Dante Gallucci, Josephine Miller, Maria McKeon. Vendors include the-rapist, evil jew evaluator, satan’s sister Jessica Caverly and the slimy advisor kike Lisa Kerin. Childhoods of Elissa and Antonio raped for shekels, by the decree drafted by Finch and Knopf, signed by jew judge Elizabeth Stewart, a decree that keeps on producing shekels to lawyers, expertly crafted mosaic to create protracted, lucrative, post judgment litigation, which jew boy Truglia relishes.

Luckily for daughter Elissa, she aged out, graduated from Masuk High School, beyond reach of jewdicial discretion, now free of her evil father Joao Campos of Milford, a mad man with anger issues, propensity to smash mother’s laptops repeatedly, in display of Portuguese manliness, expressing love for children’s mother with tender kitchen knife attacks, where son Antonio is injured in the fray for having to protect mom from psycho knife wielding dad, something that Jessica Caverly cleansed with forensic psychology to have jew Judge Stewart order the child to visit skitzoid dad; after all, dad was not trying to cut open his son, just mom. Parasitic jews work wonders in family court, they can make the blind see, the cripple walk, the hated love, just amazing this power of broad jewdicial discretion.

Young Antonio wants nothing to do with the mad man of a father, but jews of Bridgeport have plans to completely destroy his childhood, scar his psyche and fuck him up good. The rabbinical court ordered this victim of abuse to love his dad, visit him, hug him, spend time together, totally against his best interests, so he refused, bringing down the wrath of jew Truglia who threatens mom with incarceration, if the abused child does not bend to the rabbinical powers of the family court, so ordered by jew Stewart on advice of jew Caverly, endorsed by scam artist GAL Kevin Finch, played off a dumb black lawyer named James Hardy who cannot spell l-a-w. Blog diversity department notes that it is always jews and niggers, chasing shekels, pretending it is administration of justice, while children suffer; Michael Albis and Nigger Boy Robinson approve.

Now famous Blog notes nigger girl Vanessa Avery Roberts, sleeping in Office of U.S. Attorney, in view of the state judiciary using federal funds to threaten a citizen with deprivation of fundamental liberty interests, by conspiracy of state agents abusing a child under the color of state dissolution law, known to Blog aficionados as violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, making Truglia liable to mother Suzanne and son Antonio under the enforcement Act, 42 USC §1983. Always jews and more niggers. Federal racketeering criminal conduct obvious, in full public view by Truglia d’jew of Bridgeport.

Blog editors note an article by Marc Fitch, a self-proclaimed investigative reporter who describes the plight of women in the jewish cesspool of Connecticut divorce court, a lame article, missing the point that the jews profit from inflicting conflict among the goy, while draining bank for jew feed, promoting rape of childhood and destruction of families, it is just a jew thing. The plight of Antonio Campos and knife wielding dad Joao Campos are featured in the article:

Sue, whose case has seen roughly 500 motions filed, was threatened with jail if she didn’t get her 15-year-old son to visit his father, who has abused them both in the past. Her son, larger than she, refused and Sue told the court that she couldn’t force her son to go. Finally, the judge threatened her with jail time if her son did not visit his father.

“The judge put a gun to my head. Either I kick my son out and I get DCF called on me, or I go to jail. Either way, I don’t have a choice but to hand him over,” Sue said. “My son did it because he didn’t want me to go to jail, but my son is not going to able to last much longer.”

Sue says at least one visit with the father resulted in the police being called when her son told employees of a gym he attended that he wasn’t comfortable with the man. “He cannot stand his father,” she said. “He’s trying to keep his cool because he doesn’t want to start a fight.”

All children should be aware that their lives are not to be sacrificed by jewish edicts just because parents got unmarried, the judges don’t want goy kids to know they are not under the jurisdiction of the court, just the a-dults. Crazy jews in black robes who threaten mothers with jail to abuse a child beg .50 cal relief from a well-regulated parental militia, Truglia a candidate for a Bridgeport Tea Party, some colonial tar and feathers, maybe just a good ol’ American lynching, along with the Chief Justice, from a sturdy branch on the Charter Oak.

As Truglia held a gun to the head of Suzanne Campos to force abuse on Antonio at the hands of pscyho Joao Campos, a sovereign people pause to consider the true purpose of the Second Amendment, when the judiciary goes rogue. Let freedom ring!

Cast of jews, raping childhoods for shekels, begging Patriot’s retort.

Federal and State niggers responsible for child protection allow jew Truglia to threaten a child by jailing mother to return to his abuser … jews and niggers, raping childhood for shekels.

Does Truglia beg a Second Amendment rebuttal?



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