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Mouk Appearance

The now-famous Blog notes Judge Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut Inferior Court refuses to appear in federal suit for his Fourteenth Amendment violations in denial of due process under color of practice rule for instantly disbarring a zealous advocate for being a zealous advocate. Moukawsher places himself above the law, ignoring the properly issued federal summons, the court empowered by Congress to enforce protections of the Fourteenth Amendment. Mouk proves again that nutmeg justice is mere tyranny in black.

Mouk’s drama is tiresome, a retard, gifted with a judgeship because daddy did dirty deeds, gets dumped in family court for being a judicial fuck up, where he turns a simple review of Adelman’s misconduct into a soup sandwich, ignoring court horror of Grossman/Adelman child abuse, acting on direction of Joette Katz to disbar her nemesis out of pure kike spite, citing authority not in law, but falsely assumed under practice rule; a constitutional nullity. Mouk gets sued in federal court for being a constitutional fuck up, but refuses to respond, because Mouk is above the law, even federal law. Can’t make this shit up!

Blog pest control department smells rats of AG Willie Tong, the yellow commie chink masquerading as Connecticut’s lawyer. Blog star and total douche bag AAG Robert Deichert states publicly that he represents Thomas Moukawsher, but has not filed an appearance, which Blog ethics department finds to be attorney misconduct. Deichert inserts himself into the federal fray with F. Rule Civil Procedure 11, taking on role as ‘opposing counsel’ without appearing on behalf of Mouk; mere fraud. Blog fans can see thru Deichert’s game, Tong ordered him not to appear, as Tong thinks he can ignore federal remedy to unconstitutional conduct; dumb chinaman is dumber than a rock. Deichert’s boss, Maura Osborne-Murphy, another state paycheck sponge, devoid of brains or understanding of federal law, happily cashes her paycheck, as she is unemployable, even as a latte barista; Starbucks employees must follow procedures. Maura’s cash compensation for being an idiot is $146k/yr; Robert’s is the same, Mouk is a drain of another $190k/yr … total waste of public funds.

Blog constitutional studies department notes that an appearance by Mouk requires an answer to the complaint, requiring the State to confess Mouk lacks statutory authority for summary disbarment. Mouk must explain to the federal court that his action relies on practice rule ยง2-45, having nothing to do with litigation, is alien to the Practice Act of 1879, that was falsely created by error in 1890, where Mouk thinks law resides in the practice book, that Connecticut can’t count to First or Fourteenth; a complete admission of unconstitutional conduct by the state jewdiciary. A secondary issue is that appearance starts discovery, where Mouk must disclose phone calls from folks like Joette Katz instructing the independent jurist to disbar the advocate for advocacy; child abuse in full view of the court be damned. Deichert is running so scared that he cannot pen a brief to the writ of error pending in the state’s own intermediate appellate court, he cannot bring himself to admit Mouk fucked up, that the state jewdiciary relies on private rules, alien to due process, lacking statutory authority, defying constitutional rights. How can AG Tong possibly pen truth before the tribunal admitting the state jewdiciary is fucked up beyond all recognition? Truth is not an element of Tong’s communist ideology, nor is goy truth recognized in the talmud; all while nigger boy Robinson cowers in his chambers, dreading Blog’s continued criticism of his pathetic tenure as chief token jew puppet of the third branch of state government. Of the people, for the people, by the people will be the last words he hears while swinging from the Charter Oak.

In a civilized society, the court is the alternative to violence, in Corrupticut, where the court abandons duty, violence is begged, Second Amendment protects all, tyrants in black incite imminent violent remedy by ‘we the people’, flash bangs and flying freedom seeds replace thoughtful deliberations, legal opinions, and review. Justice delayed being justice denied, remedied by high velocity .308 ball, shattering two panes of glass. Due process becomes windage.