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Legal scholars of the now-famous Blog throw down the gauntlet at the furry feet of Connecticut’s flying monkeys. Big dumb nigger boy Robinson cannot defend his opinion in State v Taupier, while Blog goes unpunished under jewdicial edict that scary speech is criminal. C’mon nigger boy, show the world your shit! Robinson shreds the First Amendment on jew ‘model penal code‘ of the American Law Institute, speech restricted by reaction of the most delicate listener, an un-American concept created, promoted, implemented by jews; upheld by a freed slave, whipped by his white masters ’til he proclaims Toby’s ideology.  Nigger boy Robinson ignores all rulings proving his black ass wrong in light of 1A:  Kansas (Boettenger), North Carolina (Taylor), Michigan (Jones), federal Elonis, Baker, Valle, Weiss, Bagdasarian, Brandenburg, Claiborne, Button.  Not enough for Robinson that Ninth, Sixth, Second Circuits nor SCOTUS agrees with the Nutmeg Nigger, nor that Kansas and North Carolina struck down jew ALI statutes for being rabbinical conflict with 1A.  CJ Roberts of SCOTUS states in Elonis that specific intent is required for criminal conduct.  Robinson just a nigger on jew puppet strings, abusing power to silence the essence of goy self-government.

Nigger Boy repeats ‘reckless’ twenty-five times in his treasonous opinion, ‘disregard’ sixteen times; First Amendment uses neither, nor does the Second, just dumb nigger jewspeak to destroy America.  There is an objective foreseeable standard that Robinson needs a constitutional lynching, the ‘rough equivalent’ of Virtus slaying a tyrant. Protected political speech holds constitutional protection to terrorize tyrants, inflict fear in ruling elite, advocacy of violence against child predators in black robes is just part of the redress clause, backed up by flash-bangs of the Second.  Judge Bozzuto, feet first thru a woodchipper is modern version of colonial tar and feather, a political expression deeply rooted in the country’s history and culture, along with burning witches, after sham trials. Judge Gold’s claim of ‘rough equivalent‘ creates a new category of unprotected speech, an unlawful jewdicial act, requiring redress of the people’s choice, large calibre preferred.  Robinson wipes his black ass with the Bill of Rights proclaiming political criticism of his ruling masters is declared ‘threatening speech’.  Jews do not care for goy politics nor opinions; applying flying monkeys, jew judges, incarceration to ‘chill expression’ who dare blaspheme them.

Following Nigger Boy Robinson’s twisted logic of intent to intimidate, his fellow jungle bunnies of Black Lives Matter are all guilty of criminal speech, any republican who waves Old Glory at a democrat is guilty of intimidation, unity being eschewed by the left, advocacy for school vouchers becomes intimidation as well.  Robinson’s argument is so fatally flawed that he voids free expression.  Assembly and association clauses still provide for a gathering at Charter Oak to lynch a domestic terrorist, while burning an inverted cross, dressed in white. Political speech is intent to intimidate the deplorables, the -phobics, the unclean, the Christians.  Object to jew rape of children, your speech is criminal!  Burn Bozzuto in effigy on a cross in name of child protection, political expression becomes five years in jail, thank the nigger.  BLM burns a police station in Portland, disgruntled family court litigants can burn 90 Washington.  Death to horse thieves, why not child traffickers? Does Bozzuto not terrorize ‘we the people’?  Why fuss over subjective or objective intent to protect children?  Bozzuto and pals consciously disregard a substantial and unjustifiable risk that parents are terrorized by family court, inciting imminent and lawless reaction, powered by the Second Amendment, petroleum accelerants, free speech, and spittle; emails notwithstanding.

Terrorizing terrorists is protected by Second Amendment.

The challenge is set: every day nigger boy Robinson and his flying monkeys allow Blog to exist, is another day that proves nigger’s opinion is fabricated, false, un-constitutional, jewish, treasonous, total totalitarian bullshit.  Blog stands in judgement of the seven dwarfs who can’t count to First.  Every day, new posts, prove again the jewdicial opinion of the Connecticut high bench is fatally flawed, that speech in gulag Connecticut is under jewish censorship, that Blog is untouchable, that free speech of the goy drives jews like Joette Katz crazy, that the sovereign nutmegs are incapable of ruling themselves, cannot protect rights of fellow citizens nor children, that opinions on demise of tyrants are criminalized by the tyrants themselves; constitutional protections undermined by ‘rough equivalent‘ word salad of the jew in a black robe.

Try a little free speech, send a private email advocating a nigger needs to be lynched for destroying the First Amendment, talk about large calibre bullets, nightscopes, Latin death threats unto tyrants, burn an upside down cross, wear white, fashion a hangman’s noose of 13 turns, comment on natural manure for The Tree of Liberty, have reckless disregard for the petty feelings of traitors, domestic enemies, liberals, paedophiles, hold no empathy for jewdical butthurt, whip some political opinion on the jewish elite of gulag Connecticut, even quote Shakespeare; then sit back, munch popcorn to watch goons go crazy hunting free speech, sucking up overtime pay, engaging clueless prosecutors, jew judges, illegal warrants, fabricated suspicions, retard detectives binging on jelly donuts, observe Kernal ‘fat boy’ Mellekas enlist his blue brothers across state lines, hunting free speech, for the goy have too much to think, even jew feds will get in on the action, assistant US Attorneys, even special FBI agents. But every day Blog continues under 1A protection, nigger boy Robinson shows the world he is not an American, not a judge, cannot apply the law, acts as an enemy of the people, begs a tyrant’s downfall.

Blog challenge to CJ Robinson is simple:  admit Blog is free speech, admit jew flaw of State v Taupier, resign in disgrace, your dark black dumb ass legacy a domestic enemy of the Constitution, begging a .50 cal to the head, to be forever pursued by Patriots, to one day fertilize The Tree of Liberty.

Editor’s Note:  Connecticut cannot let Blog exist, if ruling in Taupier is to withstand strict scrutiny.  The fact that Blog lives proves CJ Robinson failed 1A.  Defense of rights is duty of the sovereign, a free people.  Robinson is now the hunted.  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it.

The hunted.  Domestic terrorist.

Jewdicial terrorists, censorship, terrorism, treason, all begging a tyrant’s demise.

Tree of Liberty needs natural manure.

Judge Gold, rough equivalent of a dead terrorist.

Dyke on the byke, child trafficker, domestic enemy of ‘we the people’.

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