The new jewdicial ruling of Hartford Family Court is REJECTED! No practice book rule on rejected pleadings, no legislative approval of Judge Leo Diana’s new adjudication process, just REJECTED, without comment. The goy get no access to court, no redress, no openness, without sale, denial or delay, justice is withheld from the peasants by the REJECTED ruling of the elite masters in black robes … now begging for a .50 cal freedom seed, passing between the ears. Even SCOTUS sez that courts are the alternative to violence, looks like Judge Diana prefers violence.
By Diana’s rejection of a simple pleading, he violates redress clause of the First Amendment, where his ‘discretion’ in denial of access to the court violates due process of 5th and 14th, which also voids state constitution Article First, §10, where courts are open to all, for justice without denial, delay yada, yada, yada; not to mention state law §52-123. Circumstantial defects not to abate pleadings. “No writ, pleading, judgment or any kind of proceeding in court or course of justice shall be abated, suspended, set aside or reversed for any kind of circumstantial errors, mistakes or defects, if the person and the cause may be rightly understood and intended by the court.” Diana squarely violates the people’s law by REJECTING a pleading because the poor peasant did not approach the bench on his knees begging for permission to use the court of the people, for the people, and by the people. History is replete with blood spilt to refresh the Tree of Liberty for lesser matters than unheard pleadings. Diana doth beg for rebellion, doth he not? Mr. John Cade, rejected by the court, seeks advice from his friend Dick, who runs the local butcher shop.
The technical issues behind Judge Leo Diana’s incompetent REJECTED ruling, is that there is no constitutional basis, no supporting case law, he contradicts existing case law of Ahneman, which requires courts to decide every question that comes before it in a divorce matter; courts are in the business of deciding motions, not rejecting them. There is no practice rule which allows for ‘rejected’ disposition, it is prohibited ruling by state constitution, there is no practice rule for ‘request for leave’, there is no opportunity to be heard on a ‘request for leave’. Judge Leo Diana is a tyrant who cannot follow due process, cannot uphold the office of judge, is unfaithful to the law, acts to piss off Patriots, Oathkeepers, Christians, vegetarians, atheists, small dogs, and wilder-beasts, while inciting imminent lawless action in those who pay his salary.
Will Diana’s treachery, treason, public betrayal bring down divine retribution from our stars, or just death rays from the space station, F35 Smart Bombs, fire and mortars, well aimed large caliber freedom seeds, let fly by aim of nightscopes, concealed in bushes? A ‘rough equivalent’ of a rebellion? Does Diana beg the destruction of 90 Washington Street, reduced to smoldering rubble in the name of liberty for ‘we the people’, an expression of distrust of a tyrannical government, eliminated in the name of liberty and freedom for all? Shall the traitorous jewdicial authorities be rounded up with their errant staffs, burned at the stake, after fair and impartial hearing by Salem magistrates?
Note the little jewish shit who processed the tyrant’s order, thug Philip Nair, a supposedly educated minion, a licensed attorney, who cries that he is just a clerk, doing what he is told, has no brains, no understanding of law, but subject to rules of professional conduct, while shredding Bill of Rights, while wiping judge cum from his lips. The deviant and the stupid have supporting roles assigned by the chosen elite. At $125k/yr Nair is a waste of tax money. Diana at $200k/yr is simple fraud, better fed to crustaceans in the Sound.
Time for ‘we the people’ to act like it. Clowns like Diana do not belong in public service, have no cause to sit on a bench involving children, need some Oreo Cookie therapy, held under until the bubbles stop, it is highly recommended by the psychological community, published protocol in the Family Court Journal, other constitutional remedies can be found in other publications, such as: Soldier of Fortune, Field&Stream, Firearms News. A subscription to House&Garden or MarthaStewart Living can help with plantings, tree refreshment.
One last point is that the advertised ‘mission’ of the jewdiciary is:
… to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.
The now-famous Blog calls BULLSHIT on that statement, just jewish lies, more like its mission is to fuck over the goy, rob them blind, strip them of rights, rape their kids, and shred the Constitution. Lock ‘n Load! Diana is begging for muzzle flash and rat-a-tat-tat of belt-fed ammo.
A patriot’s request for leave?