The now-famous Blog spotlights how the jewdiciary insulates itself from interference of the executive branch in child abuse by subversive policy controlled by pedo pet lawyers in the form of Maureen Duggan, legal director of DCF. A subtle but powerful defeat of separation of powers, legislative intent, and public policy. Jews have a clandestine way of defeating principles of democracy for the purpose of raping children.
Maureen Duggan is a lame individual of inferior intellect, holding a worthless law degree from Western New England Skool of Law, sucking up $146k/yr public salary. She is an opportunist who defeats the child centric mission of the Department of Children and Families. The ploy is overly simplistic, concealed from legislative oversight, being fraud upon the public, invoked by a simple internal policy directive straight from Duggan’s desk, on direction of the jewdicial mafia of Connecticut family court. By direction of Duggan, the Department will not involve itself in any matter of child abuse where Family Court is involved in a divorce action. It is a hard fast internal rule supported by Duggan’s claim the Department only operates in juvenile court; a fabricated justification designed to prevent raising state interest in judicial harm to children. Duggan has no legal basis allowing the executive agency to turn a blind eye to the harm inflicted on children by judges of family court. The ‘policy’ is design of the jewdiciary to traffic children without threat of interference by the executive branch. Brilliant play on policy to allow child predators to rape children under the guise of dissolution law. Duggan did not invent this diversion of executive power, she did what she was told.
Duggan defeats the role of DCF by deletion of past chapters of the Department policy manual that addressed child abuse induced by family court judges. These policies specifically addressed family court actions that resulted in isolation or restricted parental access to children, court induce psychological harm, and the like. Complaints brought to DCF that visitation arrangements were inadequate, harmful, induced psychological harm were to be taken up formally by DCF, to the point DCF would address the abuse directly to the family court. Duggan made all this go away … by jewish direction. Duggan is a nasty jew, with a thirst for the blood of Christian children.
Even casual Blog readers are aware of childhood trauma induced by cruel orders of jew judges of family court. Jewdicial discretion destroying parent-child bonds for the deviant joy of a jew judge; a jewish delicacy, which Duggan ensures will not be upset by child protection concerns of the executive agency. Children of the state are victims of jewdicial wrath, condoned by dumb nigger Vanessa Dorante and her cracker lawyer Duggan. Victimizing children in the Nutmeg state is a concerted effort by all branches of government, even the legislature turns a blind eye to childhood rape, given half the judiciary committee membership are lawyers, the connections are obvious. Lawyers are controlled by judges who control family court. Piss off a judge, lose a law license, it is that simple; just ask Moukawsher. The idea of checks and balances is completely defeated when the monsters in black robes control a network of subversives throughout government. Duggan’s actions are directed by her masters to which she dutifully complies in return for a paycheck. Duggan is a jew, a domestic terrorist, a danger to society, a threat to children, now worthy of a .50 cal to the head, begging her own destruction by the angry mob of betrayed citizens.
The technical point of Duggan’s action is to prevent the appearance of the state in child custody proceedings related to divorce. Family court knows full well that stripping a parent of custody requires due process under the Fourteenth Amendment, meaning that the State must file a petition against the parent. Constitutional protections of parent-child bonds prevent a court from acting on claim of the other parent to strip such right. Duggan knows this. Keeping DCF out of cases where kids have been isolated from mothers for years is the jewdicial mafia’s way of thwarting involvement of Office of Attorney General, who has cause on behalf of the sovereign to arrest the unconstitutional action of family court. Note that Katz, Dorante, Duggan, Tong, Albis, Robinson are all conspirators to the scam of shielding the cesspool of family court from checks&balances. The government of the people, for the people and by the people is defeated by a few jews and niggers with law degrees, holding allegiance to the talmud for purposeful destruction of Christianity, childhood rape notwithstanding.
Old news, obvious to the most causal observer that the wardens of gulag Connecticut have the system rigged. Second Amendment is all that remains to protect the children. At $1 per round, a box of ball .308 is a cheap fix to the terrorism of Maureen Duggan and her jewish pals; two panes of glass irrelevant.