The great grey ponytail of Connecticut calls out the jewdiciary for being a cesspool of talmudic bacteria eating away at the foundation of a free society, shredding the Constitution with glee. Attorney Norm Pattis skewers the chosen monsters in black robes for being jews in rape of the American adversarial process in destruction of zealous advocates who challenge the absolute discretion of family court jurisprudence. Norm’s ‘writ of error‘ delivers notice that the Connecticut Courts have gone rogue, that Judge Moukawsher is a constitutional terrorist wielding un-regulated powers of destruction from a tyrannical bench, begging his own destruction: Sic Semper Tyrannis!
Norm claims the jewdiciary is creating a INQUISITORIAL REGIME! Like duh! Families of Connecticut been being raped for decades in the best interest of the jew; obvious to the most casual observer. Jews and their twisted beliefs create the only ideology known to man that advocates separating children from mothers. Not even Rastifarians hold cause for destruction of parent-child bonds, not Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Episcopals, Mormons, Hindu, Buddhas, Pagans … just the jews. The jews run family court.
Norm takes ten pages and fifty paragraphs to concisely state jewdicial isolation of children from parents for no state interest is a call to arms. Malicious harm of childhood, a jewish vendetta against the goy requires a defense. The writ documents the rule of law does not apply in family court, demanding remedy by piercing defective judicial minds with high velocity lead pellets; the Second Amendment is the sole remedy to eviscerate the jew from the bench in restoration of the Constitution. It takes less effort to assassinate a jewdicial terrorist than it does to file Norm’s writ; $250 filing fee to raise alarm of rogue Moukawsher, where a standard ball, 145 grain, 308 round costs one dollar; no argument involved. A single box of 20 is enough to re-calibrate the entire family bench to constitutional standards. Second Amendment purpose is clear.
If the people of Connecticut are to remain sovereign, if the government of the people, for the people and by the people is not to perish, then the miscreants of the judicial branch under the management of the big dumb nigger need to be purged. A free society cannot exist where jews hold the power to sever parent-child bonds at will. Jews have a long history of being child predators, rituals of sacrifice, using Catholic baby blood in baking products. The Second Amendment provides authority for sovereign people to protect childhoods from jewdicial wrath. Dead jew judges provide remedy to the sovereign, with instant discouragement to others who may adhere to the ideology.
Game is up. Shot and dry powder protects children. Judge William Bright is just going to wipe his ass with Norm’s writ. Lock and load, the big dumb nigger running the jewdiciary provides no relief, let him swing.
Editor’s Note: The judicial branch has absolutely no concern for improper orders of Grossman and Adelman who have isolated Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from mother for 720 days. Moukawsher is not the only problem here.