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Battle of Titans: ON!

Sports fans, this is the smackdown, drag out fight of the year in the family court arena!!!!  The Great Grey Ponytail, Attorney and Defender of Rights, Norm Pattis has thrown the gauntlet at the aged pedo battle axe, retired child trafficking judge, Annie Dranginis.  Norm represents Dad, Annie represents mom and the kids are in the middle.  Classic Connecticut Family Court drama, with big bucks!!!  The mom is a Vice President at Aetna and Annie just stepped up the billable hours game to defend the heartless bitch from Norm’s contempt citation for isolating the children from Dad.

Bring popcorn!!!  Review the fight card here.  Read the bio of Annie the Axe here.  Check out Norm, The Giant of the Profession, Slash and Burn Trial Lawyer, here.  Catch up on previous posts here, here, here and here!!  The contempt citation has been served on Tanya Taupier for being a monster bitch in keeping Gabriel and Sara isolated from their father.  A scorned woman’s revenge on her ex husband.  Pure evil drips from this woman’s lips.  The true embodiment of Aetna culture, Vice Presidents who commit child abuse to make themselves feel good.

The smack down is slated in the ring at Middletown.  Judges Gould, Albis and Dombarski will toss the hot potato back and forth until one loses, having to face Battle Axe Annie in the courtroom.   Annie wields such insider power that the clown on the bench is just her puppet.  Rule of law cast to the wind, best interest of the children trampled, just another day in the corrupt court of Connecticut’s child trafficking racket.  Note Annie runs her end of the racket from the jewish powerhouse law firm of Pullman & Comley.   The Great Grey Ponytail has surely been threatened by the whispers of Annie, probably his dog too.

Bring popcorn, watch the Connecticut Child Trafficking Court ignore the rule of law and promote further isolation of children from parents….a real money maker for Annie.

EDITOR’s NOTE:  A week after Pattis filed contempt, Dranginis filed contempt.   The Titans go at each other on 2 July in Middletown at Short Calendar.

The Giant Grey Ponytail
Judge Annie Dranginis child trafficker
Tanya Taupier Aetna Vice President of Human Resources knows how to abuse children.
The victims. Sara and Gabriel. Children are the revenue generators of the Family Court players.