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Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Judge Leo V. Diana shows up in the secret family court star chamber of RFTD; the dungeon where children go to disappear.

Leo the Lizard is of the same child trafficking mold as Gerard Adelman,  Barry Armata and Steve Dembo.  Lowlife inbred lawyer of questionable intellect and no legal skills, but is a Connecticut family court inside player; put on the bench by the pedo masters of the state for diabolical abuse of children.  His ‘professional’ associations is a list of insider networks designed for the sole purpose of trafficking children.

Collaborative Divorce Professionals, President
Hartford County Bar Association, Family Law Committee Chair
Hartford County Bar Association, Board of Directors
Special Master in Hartford Superior Court’s Early Intervention Program
Academy for Child Advocacy
Connecticut Counsel for Divorce Mediation
Collaborative Divorce Lawyer Association Hartford County
Member of the Manchester, Hartford County and American Bar Associations
Special Master serving Hartford, New Britain and Tolland Counties
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals

A most hilarious list of pseudo professional organizations designed to extract the maximum amount of money from unsuspecting families caught up in the state racketeering game of family court.  The scariest example is that he is also on the board for a group home for girls.  Red flag?  A local Manchester deviant; a lawyer by diploma mill of Western New England College of Law.  Real pearl is his membership in the ‘International Academy’ of child traffickers.

Just why is anyone supposed to find professional significance of a scum bag Nutmeg lawyer’s membership in a fictitious international organization that specializes in trafficking children?  Collaborative child traffickers moving children across international borders for sexual exploitation?  Of course pedo gay boy Governor Danny Malloy nominated this scum to the bench, which pretty much explains everything.  Put another way, if you need to traffick a child for sexual exploitation, call Leo!!!

Judge Leo V. Diana now presides over the exclusive dungeon court known as the Regional Family Trial Docket in Middletown.  This secretive star chamber of no legal purpose is the state pedo ring’s private chamber to traffic children for money.  The state is divided into judicial districts, each district has a courthouse.  If you want a divorce, go file in your district family court.  But if your kids are victims of the state pedo ring, lots of money involved, need to do something sinister and evil, then your case will be quietly moved to the backroom in Middletown under the demonic rule of Judge Diana and his pedo friends.

So look what has happened in the Grohs case.  Two little girls being trafficked by dickhead Attorney Michael Fasano with the help of the notorious legal child abuser Attorney Mary Brigham are being dragged to Judge Diana’s dungeon at RFTD.  Never have we seen this before, typical pedo playbook.  Big bucks coming from wacko dad William J. Grohs and private donors who have use for the girls.  No court order from Waterbury, JD to transfer the case, no compliance with the special docket rules, no AMC, no hearing specifying why the Waterbury judges can’t do their job, but the case is moving half way across the state….because the pedo ring wants it that way.  Guess how much that cost?

Michael Smuda, Esq., pedo boy clerk of RFTD, has scheduled four days of trial.  The Grohs were divorced six years ago with no trial, just a settlement agreement.  But don’t worry, Judge Diana will throw that out and issue an all new pedo improved decree making sure the mother never sees her kids again.

All under the watchful eye of the dyke on the byke, miscreant Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Bozzuto crime family, Chief Judge of Family Court of Connecticut.   Cash only.

Leo Diana child trafficker, presiding judge RFTD.
Jew GAL Steve Dembo
Scum Barry Armata