What if the man at the carnival offered you a bottle of snake oil and promised it would make your dick harder? Would you buy it for $100k? Of course not, unless your name was William J. Grohs and the carnival man is Attorney Michael Fasano.
It has been clearly established that Family Court is a money racket. Parents’ money; the kids don’t matter and the judge is the lowest paid person in the game. The marketing end of the scam are promises made on what can be done to make his dick harder, by parting with money. A legal lizard like Fasano claims his legal snake oil can do whatever William’s little dick desires. Harass the mother of his two girls…..no problem. Drag mother to endless depositions with no legal purpose, piece of cake. File frivolous motions complaining mother took the kid to the doctor, presto. Drag out litigation before crooked Judge Cutsumpas for four months, easy. Vexatious litigation disguised as contempt or modification motions, a speciality. Just keep paying Fasano’s invoices and never hear the word ‘no’.
This is the profession of family lawyers in Connecticut. Ignore the law, ignore ethics, simply take money to do anything and everything to run up billable hours. Some salesmanship skills required. After all, William might complain that it has been over a year and a half of paying Fasano’s invoices, but his dick has actually shrunk. Fasano just pats his gravy train on the wallet, smiles and sends another invoice. Even GAL Mary Brigham is telling William to give it time, pay the invoices and his dick will eventually get stiff.
Six years after William agreed to his divorce settlement, he is still paying legal bills for snake oil, his dick is not harder, his decree has not been changed, but it is noticeable that lawyers like Giuliano, Richardson, Fasano and Brigham have bigger bank accounts. When will William realize he is paying premium for snake oil?