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Attorney Michael Fasano

Dirty Judge Leo V. Diana

    How Evey and Sofi Grohs are being trafficked through secretive family court by Judge Leo V. Diana, pedo judge and child broker.

    Judge Anna Ficeto: Canon Failure

      Judge Anna Ficeto refuses to state reason for trafficking two little girls and will not define ’emergency’. Child trafficker in black robe in the legal rape of children.

      Spotlight: Watertown Police

        How the Watertown Police ignore the rule of law in attack on rights of citizens. Uneducated thuggery funded by We The People. Harassment by cop.

        Facetime Only! (Apple)

          Judge Anna Ficeto works to isolate the children from mother with the help of state employees. Town of Watertown facing court restraining order.

          Simply Money

            Cold hard cash is all that the judges of Family Court want to see. No law, just cash.