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Tommy Valva

Valva Murder Trial

    Another horror story of family court!  Murder trial is underway for nutjob NYPD cop who froze his son to death in the garage, poor kid was not allowed to hug his mother, by order of a jew judge acting in best interests of a rabbinical court, incidental to no-fault divorce, a jewish delicacy of familial destruction.  Why is Judge Hope Zimmerman not in jail?  A jew bitch, wielding jewish hate from the bench, inhumane rulings, isolating children from mothers for the joy of the jew.  Little Tommy had Attorney Donna McCabe to zealously advocate for his constitutional right to hug his mom, but McCabe is paid by the jew in… Read More »Valva Murder Trial

    $200 Million?

      Is $200 million enough to claim against public officials involved in the demise of little Tommy Valva? Perhaps it should be more like $1 billion, as the State of New York provided Tommy with an attorney, Donna McCabe, who was trained and certified by the judicial branch to protect his rights while caught up in a family matter. The lawsuit for the wrongful death of Tommy has finally been filed in federal court. The 99 page complaint tells all about the who’s who of judges, attorneys, case workers, school officials, every publicly funded idiot who failed Tommy. A quick read of the complaint reveals the conspiracy which killed Tommy. Hats… Read More »$200 Million?

      J. Mark McQueery, Esq.

        Time to highlight the jewish game in New York of using public funds to pay paedophile lawyers like J. Mark McQueery to traffic children under the Talmudic guise of ‘best interests’. The taxpayer has no clue that public dollars are funneled through the appellate courts to fund child trafficking. Each ‘department’ of the state’s intermediate appellate court has an office of overpaid attorneys to administer payments to bottom of the barrel lawyers for the sole purpose of trafficking children. What a great scam in the Empire State of Paedophiles. For paedophile purposes, children of divorcing parents are assigned an attorney by the court, who is paid $75/hr to represent the… Read More »J. Mark McQueery, Esq.

        Kids Come First!

          Kids come first, it is that simple! How about some continuing legal education credits from the NY Chapter of the AFCC? A lecture by Judge Hope Zimmerman on how to try a divorce case without destroying the family! The famous blog cannot make this shit up! In December 2016, the parasites of the family court put on a day long circus, approved by the New York State Bar for 7.5 continuing education credits to hear a lecture by the same judge who destroyed the Valva family and left Tommy to freeze to death in the garage. Blog famous Judge Hope Zimmerman is now definitely in hiding. Back in December 2016,… Read More »Kids Come First!

          Cruel & Unusual

            Tommy Valva died at the hands of an unconstitutional act by a jewish judge of the State of New York. What type of society uses children as weapons of punishment against a mother? Only a society ruled by gruesome jewish tyrants in black robes wielding the power of the Talmud over the goyim. Kundry could not have scripted a more biblical drama. The jewish judge enraged by the Catholic mother, a four legged goy not bowing deeply enough before the rabbinical court, Talmud law required punishment. The jew stripped the goy of her four legged calves and barred her from hugging them. The wrath of the jew prevailed as an… Read More »Cruel & Unusual

            Naming Names

              The First Amendment protects the public’s right to scrutiny of the government of the people, by the people and for the people. But today’s press is so scared to actually ‘report’ on an issue that it is next to worthless. In the story of the death of Tommy Valva in Suffolk County, New York, we see a timid press, acting under advice of its own internal lawyers to protect those officials who were the proximate cause of the frozen child. If we, as Americans claim freedoms held in the Constitution, then it is high time we exercised same. If we, as Americans pay government officials to protect children who fail… Read More »Naming Names

              Jewish Best Interest

                Time to take a hard look at the jewish wordsmithing of the concocted term ‘best interest’ of the child. For the history buffs, this term was introduced into the Christian world in 1925, by a sephardic jew in a black robe who sat on the high court of the State of New York. Judge Cardozo stated in Finlay v Finlay that ‘the judge acts as parens patriae to do what is best for the interest of the child.’ After ninety-two years of jewish games and mis-interpretations we come to the court of another jew, Judge Hope Schwartz-Zimmerman of Suffolk County, Long Island, who applied the jewish best interest test in… Read More »Jewish Best Interest

                Judge Zimmerman

                  Another jew judge of New York’s family court acting outside the law and beyond the limits of her state funded job function. Oi vey, the jews never stop. For some unknown reason Judge Hope A. Schwartz-Zimmerman gave sole custody of a little gift from God, Tommy Valva to an abusive dad. There is no judicial reason available for public scrutiny, just another dark mystery of the ‘confidential’ court of child trafficking … a jewish ‘best interest’ thing. Tommy was eight years old, had special needs and was autistic. Daddy, Michael Valva, a thug in the ranks of the New York City Police Department made Tommy sleep in the garage. Not… Read More »Judge Zimmerman