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Judge Thomas Moukawsher

Fifth Amendment Claim

    The great grand retard in black drapes acknowledges a Fifth Amendment claim against his summary disbarment of a zealous advocate.  The magnificent blog star, the chief justice of the Starr Chamber, the devil incarnate, the terror in jewdicial terrorism, Judge Thomas Moukawsher inquires if the state’s attorney office has been in contact with any of the clowns regarding his unconstitutional wrath wielded from the backwater nutmeg bench improperly named Regional Family Trial Docket. There is nothing before the court regarding the disbarment of the advocate who argues for Mia, Matthew, Sawyer in exercise fundamental right to hug mom. Only jews seek to destroy parent-child bonds, destroy families, and advocate for… Read More »Fifth Amendment Claim

    Mouk’s Grandiose Delusion

      Time again for the now-famous Blog of the Worst Kind to examine the demented dysfunctional mind of Judge Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut Family Court. A tragic consequence of inbred selection criteria for judicial authorities in the nutmeg gulag. Moukawsher is a lowly trial court judge, bound by case law, where his twisted personal opinions do not apply, he is an administrator of justice, limited by law, bound by due process, constrained by equal protection, a trite task obstructed by his grandiose delusions of being a super judge, above all.  Mouk is just a crazy fuck, ruling out his ass in defiance of opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court. From his… Read More »Mouk’s Grandiose Delusion

      Moukawsher’s Error

        The now famous worst Blog takes this opportunity to identify Judge Moukawsher’s error in his disbarment drama of a zealous advocate pleading in rights of three kids and their mom.  The retarded Mouk twists reality into a fictional complaint of baseless accusations against the family court’s jewish players who cannot recognize rights of parties.  Mouk pretends he can’t see family court is a jewish cesspool of anti-Christian ideology singularly designed to destroy the concept of goy family, while trafficking children, a jewish delicacy of sexual deviancy.  But Mouk wields tyrannical wrath from the bench against advocates despised by the jew. Quick recap is Judge Adelman had a conscience issue of… Read More »Moukawsher’s Error

        Charles B. Andrews

          Blog history department highlights the unconstitutional behavior of Connecticut Judicial Branch created by its own chief justice well beyond foolish bench law of immunity for limo drivers, GALs, custody evaluators, n-word criminal speech, gay marriage, hate speech, or a host of other foolish decisions of seven retarded dwarfs who sit upon the high bench in the nutmeg state. Blog historians spotlight CHARLES B. ANDREWS, son of Episcopal reverend, Amherst alum, a lawyer, senator and representative from Litchfield, chair of judiciary committee, governor, superior court judge, then chief judge. Talk about a dirty politician and crooked lawyer! CJ Andrews could not spell due process nor count to 14th Amendment. The judicial… Read More »Charles B. Andrews

          The Un-Governed

            The sovereign people of Connecticut live in an altered reality where they foolishly elect representatives attending to matters of government, but end up gulag prisoners under jewish control holding no respect for the liberties of the Union. Gulag Connecticut, where rights go to die, where children are raped, where jews thrive, judges be tyrants. Take aim at senate president Martin Looney, Speaker Matt Ritter, committee chairs Gary Winfield and Steve Stafstrom who allow the jewdiciary to run amok for the pleasure of jewish masters. These four clowns cannot check the rogue judiciary of CJ Richard Robinson. The long line of idiots masquerading as elected officials going back to the late… Read More »The Un-Governed

            Jewdicial Supremacy

              The purpose of an independent jewdiciary in gulag Corrupticut is to permit the evil forces of jewery to usurp the power of the sovereign goy. Parasitic jews infect the host government, eating away at rule of law, destroying the englightened framework to feed the disease of the jew, fostering the impure existence of jewish anti Church fanaticism. In the matter of Judge Thomas Moukawser’s vengeful disbarment of a zealous advocate for calling out the jewness of family court, the now famous blog explains in great simplicity that the jewdiciary rules its own power above legislature power with total disregard for the sovereign goy. Welcome to the gulag, the courts rule… Read More »Jewdicial Supremacy

              Just Cause

                Blog legal department takes aim at the jewish word salad tossed into pseudo law of the notorious Connecticut Practice Book. What the fuck is ‘just cause’? How did the nutmeg sheeple, the sovereign power of the so called State of Connecticut, imply a standard of ‘just cause’ in contrast to due process requirements of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments? Something smells very very jewish. A Just Cause of jews, does not create law of the sovereign. In the old days, judges wielded power of the Crown, divine authority of the King ruled over the land, in context of Church law, the 1776 Founding eliminated royal rule making ‘we the people’… Read More »Just Cause


                  Where is the statutory authority for retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher to act as accuser, judge, jury, and executioner in the summary disbarment of a zealous advocate? Where is it? C’mon, someone who can count to Fourteenth Amendment draw a bead on Mouk’s retarded cranial cap; crack a skull, eliminate another terrorist from the bench. RIP moron! Why is society cursed with these self-chosen assholes? Is it Kundry’s revenge? Jewish deceit upon the goy? Judge Moukawsher can opine of fictitious helicopter door gunners mowing down little brown rice farmers, a twisted character in a twisted movie of no intelligent purpose, for some reason it sticks in Mouk’s mind spilling into a… Read More »Where?


                    The jewdicary of gulag Connecticut begs a night of broken glass and a day of AR-15 target practice. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, suppression of free expression brings retorts of founding firearms; broken windows for show. Silencing opinions of the jew cesspool of family, jewdicial anti-Christian ideology preying on children in defiance of the Fourteenth Amendment brings on blessed destruction of the bench and the kike filth sitting upon it. Moukawsher’s days are numbered. Sic Semper Tyrannis! Gulag gestapo, under muscle of Wallingford Police Chief John Ventura begs a .50 cal to the head for jewdicial retaliation of arresting the jews’ target at… Read More »Kristallnacht

                    Jew Posterboy!

                      The FrankReport dug up some old commentary on the Dark Lord, jewdicial miscreant Judge Gerard I. Adelman, public statements made in a public forum by public officials of the state legislature opining on the monster in a black robe, wielding rabbinical venom from his perch on the superior bench. Judge Adelman is the POSTERBOY OF THE WORST OF THE WORST! Now famous Blog finds the superlative of WORST to be a common theme in the jewdicial racket of family court. Adelman is crowned WORST OF WORST by the General Assembly while debating his pathetic kike existence in 2017. Last month the jewidicial misfit opines in a divorce decree that BLOG… Read More »Jew Posterboy!

                      Jewdicial Conduct

                        The inbred, retarded, miscreants in black robes demonstrate to the people of Connecticut that there is no jurisprudence in the nutmeg court system. This time it is the certified paedophile Leo Diana of Hartford Family Court proclaiming the insanity of what is supposed to be the rule of law in defense of criminal conduct by sidekick asian rice farmer Tammy Nguyen. Now-famous worst Blog examines the contrast in the equal protection of the jewish courts of the Connecticut cesspool run by the big dumb nigger in need of a rope necktie. On one jew hand, Judge Thomas Moukawsher disbars a zealous goy advocate for words he does not like, on… Read More »Jewdicial Conduct

                        Insane Lunatic!

                          The now-famous Worst Blog examines the non-functioning, diseased, irrational jewdicial mind of the grand moron in a black robe, the insane lunatic, the Dark Lord himself, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, a rabbinical monster of talmudic powers wreaking havoc on the people’s court system, cuz he is just a fucking insane lunatic who cannot perform his simple job function in family court. In reviewing forty worthless pages of babbling prose in the Ambrose decision, footnote #1 documents that neither Adelman nor Moukawsher are capable of executing court functions. The referral drama of Adelman’s disqualification to Moukawsher back in November reveals these judges cannot communicate, cannot employ simple English to administer justice.… Read More »Insane Lunatic!

                          Inquisitorial Regime

                            The great grey ponytail of Connecticut calls out the jewdiciary for being a cesspool of talmudic bacteria eating away at the foundation of a free society, shredding the Constitution with glee. Attorney Norm Pattis skewers the chosen monsters in black robes for being jews in rape of the American adversarial process in destruction of zealous advocates who challenge the absolute discretion of family court jurisprudence. Norm’s ‘writ of error‘ delivers notice that the Connecticut Courts have gone rogue, that Judge Moukawsher is a constitutional terrorist wielding un-regulated powers of destruction from a tyrannical bench, begging his own destruction: Sic Semper Tyrannis! Norm claims the jewdiciary is creating a INQUISITORIAL REGIME!… Read More »Inquisitorial Regime

                            Jewdicial Shit Show

                              CT Family Court: The ‘Children’s Best Interest’ Is the Best Interest of Attorneys, Psychologists and Wealthy, Abusive Fathers Who Pay Them From the FRANKREPORT. The children’s best interest. That’s what the divorce and custody case of Chris Ambrose versus Karen Riordan is about. Ambrose has had legal and physical custody of the couple’s three adopted Latino children since April 24, 2020. On that date, almost two years ago, CT Family Court Judge Jane Grossman surprised the children and their stay-at-home mother, Riordan, by taking them from her and placing them with their father because the mother had alienated the children from their father. They had lived with their mother all… Read More »Jewdicial Shit Show


                                The omnipotent great grey ponytail of New England is omnipotent! Norm Pattis knows what Connecticut judges know … all of them! The fallacy arguments of tossed word-salad passing for legal arguments in the cesspool of nutmeg courts is ludicrous. Hardly unexpected given the lack of intellect of the players who make up the inbred cadre of the professional practice of law. Connecticut may just be the receptacle for all the incompetent individuals who suffer from delusional psychosis of being a lawyer. The country may be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but New Haven is a magnet for the stupid. Norm! files a ‘writ of… Read More »NORM!

                                Dumpster Fire

                                  The clowns of the Connecticut Judiciary never cease to amaze in their inability to follow the simple recipe of due process set down in practice rules, ignored by the morons in black along with the brainless zombies labelled clerks. The judicial circus of Adelman and Moukawsher attempted the flaming juggling act on disbarring a zealous advocate but lit the dumpster on fire, taking due process with it. The Ambrose case continues to demonstrate that the ‘discretion’ of feeble minded trial court judges cannot uphold the law, which is often replaced by outright comedy. Remember that the Dark Lord woke up one morning in early November thinking he needed his pal… Read More »Dumpster Fire

                                  Public Interest!

                                    The shit show of Connecticut jurisprudence has appointed little dweebee, ball-less wonder Brian Staines, Esq. to protect the PUBLIC INTEREST when a rogue judge like Moukawsher disbars a zealous advocate for the rabbinical sin of arguing in protection of childhood against the jewish ideology spewed from the Talmudic bench by kikes in black robes. Moukawsher issued his order on Wednesday in his fabricated disbarment proceeding of Nickola Cunha. Blog famous Moukawsher, suffering from intellectual impairment, requiring medication and a disability pension, spewed drivel, assigning protection of public interest to incompetent judicial office employees: Brian Staines ($131k), Leanne Larson ($127k), Marie-Louise Villar($117k), Karen Oliver Damboise ($113k), Nancy Pulito ($74k) and a… Read More »Public Interest!

                                    Michael Volpe Investigates

                                      Michael Volpe investigates the child trafficking in the Ambrose case. Conduct of Connecticut jewish players gets the investigative journalist spotlight: Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Gerard Adelman, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz, Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD, Dr. Debra Gruen, PhD. Jews raping childhood for the reward of shekels and destruction of the American family institution. Read investigative report below by Michael Volpe. His podcast interview with Nickola Cunha here. REPORT: Nickola Cunha is the latest guest to join me on the podcast. She is a veteran attorney who is involved in what has turned into a high profile divorce and custody case in Connecticut. That… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates


                                        Time to call out the philosophical tragedy of Connecticut’s excuse of a judiciary in public abuse of children under the color of law. The retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher holds fascination for the insanity of mankind portrayed in the movie Full Metal Jacket, focused on the dehumanizing effects of pointless conflict, fueled by blind obedience to a totalitarian government sacrificing children for a chosen ideology. Mouk is an official Blog star. Fascination with the helicopter door gunner spraying rice paddy peasants reveals Mouk’s miswired brain, symbolism of authority slaughtering the innocent is subliminal betrayal of judge club ideology, destruction of childhoods and families by liberty assassins in black, wielding unconstitutional authority,… Read More »JOKER!


                                          Jewish word salad is a red flag that betrays government deceit on a trusting public. Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families skillfully employs ill-defined words to protect child predators. The pattern is repeated precisely revealing a racket protecting persons engaged in pedophilia: protected jewish delicacy. A little girl, perhaps five years of age, has an incredible knowledge of male appendages, knows where it does not fit, describes games played with daddy’s dick, can describe his buddy’s dick, forced to drink yucky tasting medicine, exhibits signs of being drugged, but the professionals at DCF claim the accusation of child sexual abuse is UNSUBSTANTIATED. A little boy under the age of four,… Read More »Unsubstantiated