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Gerard Adelman


    Attorney Chris Goulden of Milford, bottom of the barrel lawyerly scum of the Connecticut Bar, steps into Blog spotlight, representing blog star Christopher Ambrose in the ongoing drama of childhood rape, emotional pain, and overall misery of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, prisoners of a mad man who lives in an altered reality of script writing and make believe. Get popcorn! Four weeks ago, Mia voids jewdicial orders of child abuse, runs away from prison at 381 Horse Pond Road in Madison, knocking dad out of the running for father of the year award, exposing his pedo deviancy to the world by filing a sexual abuse complaint against him in juvenile… Read More »Goulden!


      The now-famous Blog reports that Connecticut is planning to chop off little Royce Thaner’s dick in name of jewdicial deviancy and familial destruction. Courtesy of family court monsters like Judges Adelman, Simon, Epstein, Dyer, Frazzini, Caruso, Dolan, Taylor, Barall, Olear, Wetstone, Bozzuto, Prestley, Westbrook, Albis, Ficeto, Connors, TAMMY! Nguyen, Klau, with help from GALs Steve Dembo, Stacy Nobles, Kim Duel, Rhonda Morra, Attorneys Nathaniel Shipp, James Tyma, the kid’s manliness will end up in a jar of formaldehyde, never to be a father, his childhood raped and severed by deviant ideology, alien to humanity, but deemed the ‘best interests’ of jewdicial ideology, all courtesy of the sheeple of Connecticut who… Read More »Butchery!


        The now-famous Blog of the worst kind happily reports Judge Gerard Adelman’s jewdicial discretion in the Ambrose case, which isolated children from mother, imprisoned by mad man Christopher Ambrose, resulted in Mia running away from the abusive situation, now in the loving care of her mother … all is well! Saturday afternoon saw a flurry of police activity at 381 Horse Pond Road, where five squad cars convened to hear mad mad man Chris Ambrose complain that his daughter is gone, texting him that she is running away, tired of the court induced physical, mental, psychological, emotional abuse that destroyed the last five years of her childhood. The donut whores… Read More »Runaway!

        Psycho GAL

          The now-famous Blog spotlights psycho guardian ad litem Sue Cousineau of Middletown, Connecticut for needing heavy duty psychotropic medication to keep her mental derangement in check, allowing her to properly function in fucking over families as appointed by jewdicial authorities in rape of childhood and plunder of family bank. Sue is so mentally deranged, she cannot properly rape and plunder absent heavy medication designed to make her appear normal to unsuspecting parents and children. The jewdiciary is well aware of Sue’s mental disability, major depressive disorder, preventing her from acting with empathy in respect of parent-child bonds. The monsters in black robes personally approve all miscreants on the statewide GAL… Read More »Psycho GAL

          Crook Nancy Aldrich

            Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious. No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial… Read More »Crook Nancy Aldrich

            Randall Hale

              Another horror story out of the Connecticut cesspool, where the criminal justice system plays along with family court to abuse mothers, feeding mentally defective mind of Randall Hale of Haddam, satisfying insatiable need to malign mother of his children, destroy childhood, play victim, while his man card expires, hating his own mother, caging kids, promoting perverse masculinity, conditioning son and daughter in demonic mother hatred; satan’s psychosis grips another mad man and his lawyers Robert Tukey and Paige Quilliam. The judicial destruction of the Hale family is orchestrated by usual judicial monsters:  Albis, Adelman, Diana, Armata, Moukawsher, and GAL Victoria Lanier. A case running for 1735 days; 1500 days post… Read More »Randall Hale

              Ambrose Denied

                The now-famous Blog notes that Christopher Ambrose has an unhealthy obsession with hearing himself whine in court about living in a free society, with an internet, with public right of scrutiny of Christopher’s antics in a public forum. This time it was four days of nauseating screeching of the Mad Man without a lawyer, entertained by retarded ‘spic Judge Eddie Rodriguez, in the judicial armpit of Bridgeport for a motion to void the First Amendment, where family court betrays its abusive ways, dragging mom to the courthouse on four different days to hear paedo dad’s complaints against reality, pleading for relief the court could not provide. In the end, Judge… Read More »Ambrose Denied

                The Internet Exists!

                  The now-famous Blog points out to the unknowing that the internet exists, court is a public forum, society is a chatty bunch, sovereign people hold right to scrutiny of monsters raping childhoods, under the color of state no-fault divorce laws. Blog star and child abuser Christopher Ambrose of 281 Horsepond Road in Madison has a problem living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, he does not like public scrutiny of mental disorders that rape childhoods of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, but his jewish lawyer pals Nancy Aldrich and Jocelyn Hurwitz enjoy plundering family bank, ensuring no college funds for kids. Oi vey, what damage… Read More »The Internet Exists!

                  Trans Shrinks

                    Now comes famous Blog’s public service warning in protection of children from jews of Boston Children’s Hospital, a yeshiva cloaked in a medical institution, to butcher goy babies in jewish attack on goy. Spotlight Kerry McGregor, PsyD., the devil’s sister in human form. Her inhumane beliefs coupled with jewish brainwashing produces a child predator promoting butchering genitalia in mockery of goy children. She is so chosen that she knows babies become ‘trans’ in the womb, promoting jewish concept of ‘gender’ instead of human sex. No scientific method of proof, just jewish word-salad to promote deviancy. Jew speak sez murdering babies in the womb is ‘reproductive healthcare’, confiscating rifles from a… Read More »Trans Shrinks

                    Shylock Nusbaum

                      The Shakespearean thespians of the now-famous Blog highlight jewish drama of family court Shylocks, who disguise ‘phone calls’ as legal services in securing an administrative no-fault divorce to run up billable hours on an unsuspecting mother. Blog proves again the merry band of thieves known as the Family Bar Association, run by crook Alex Cuda is an evil, deceptive, greedy, criminal enterprise, subject to federal racketeering prosecution. Westport jew lawyer, Ed Nusbaum, scams a mother over ninety-eight grand, never stepping foot in court, never filing a motion, never arranging settlement, just professional craft of plunder in the honorable profession of law; a jew’s playground. Nusbaum is a pathetic evil creature… Read More »Shylock Nusbaum

                      State Liability

                        The now-famous Blog highlights massive financial liabilities facing state coffers for egregious conduct of family court judges thru heinous discretionary orders destroying mother-child bonds. The flaw of the best interest system of jewdicial ideology is the lack of due process, denial of fundamental rights, causing actionable damages against offending state governments, whereupon reaching majority age, aggrieved kids may sue for rape of childhood.  Blog risk management department examines nutmeg sovereign liability on abuse of discretion by Judges Heller, Ficeto, Schofield, Grossman, Adelman, Bozzutto, Solomon, Munro, Wetstone, Moukawsher, Albis, Coleman, Emons, all under the blackened soul-less leadership of CJ Richard Robinson, the ‘free at last’ destructor of rights.  No immunity shields… Read More »State Liability


                          The now-famous Blog, participating in the marketplace of ideas, protected under the First Amendment, sez SORRY to blog star Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horsepond Road, Madision, Connecticut, where he cages Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to satisfy his severe, undiagnosed, untreated, mental disorder, subliminal woman hatred, and lack of manliness. Sorry he is such a miserable person, blog copy staff are so sorry they lit Church candles for redemption of his miserable, blackened soul, so coveted by Satan. Blog legal department reviewed Mad Man’s civil lawsuits against EasterBasket Auntie and Frank Parlato; trite does not begin to describe the complaint.  Mad Man ‘prays’ for relief by asking the court to issue… Read More »Sorry!

                          $600 Reasonable

                            The jews of Connecticut family court work over the goy from both sides of the bench. Jewish lawyers charge ridiculous fees for pathetic legal cause in a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce, where the jew on the bench declares the fee REASONABLE! The game of family court is simply money. The true god of the jew. A wink and a nod, one jew promotes the other jew’s fleecing of goy. Attorney Nancy Aldrich, the legal whore of rich folks in Westport charges $600/hr to drain the Ambrose family bank. A ridiculous fee for an attorney who drags out litigation for the sole purpose of fattening her purse. Her doting jewdicial pal… Read More »$600 Reasonable