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Court Whore: James Joseph Connolly, Ph.D

    Time to spotlight another COURT WHORE of the family court cesspool of Corrupticut.  Another lecherous creep of the chosen, who is so detached from reality as to believe he is an ‘expert’ on your kids.  A certifiable pedophile who preys on vulnerable families, plundering savings accounts, raping children and acting by order of a chosen judge, wreaking  havoc on a Christian society to the glee of the jewdicial authority. James Connolly is a demented nut job who inflates his own ego by claiming he is an ‘expert’ who can ‘evaluate’ parents, who can make ‘professional’ opinions, who is appointed by ‘judges’ as a matter of law, that ‘forensic’ means something… Read More »Court Whore: James Joseph Connolly, Ph.D

    Connecticut GAL Scam

      12 MYTHS THE CT JUDICIAL BRANCH USES TO BLAME GAL ABUSE ON FAMILY COURT VICTIMS! 1.  The work of GALs and AMCs reduces conflict and keeps the cost of cases down. There are approximately 11,000 post judgment cases each year where litigants return to court because they are dissatisfied with the agreements in their cases.  That is approximately 1/3 of the cases settled each year.  These numbers do not represent a success rate.  Further, the GAL is supposed to consider in their “analysis” information gleaned from third party sources such as school records, medical providers, and law enforcement, GALs often do no or little “research” into the real cause of… Read More »Connecticut GAL Scam

      Hate McDonald

        Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears….It is o.k. for citizens of the Empire to hate.  The left can hate the right and the right can hate the left.  It is perfectly legal to hate those who seek to rape your children.  It is a proud boast of the empire to hate pedophiles.  It is a proud boast of the empire to look with disdain on perverted male sodomites who label themselves ‘gay’. Society can draw the line, it is the will of the majority.  Raping children in the name of rights is crossing the line.  Promoting the queer and sexually deviant agenda under a veil of equality is tyranny. … Read More »Hate McDonald

        Court Whore: Dr. Liz Schockmel

          Time to spotlight another court whore with a psychology degree who sells personal opinions in the form of professional forensic services absent any published protocol in the cesspool of family court. The jewish brand of psychology portrays junk science as ‘forensic evaluation’.  More word salad for the feeble-minded who are scam victims of illegitimate court orders that appoint a quack to evaluate something to no standard for a hefty fee.  We little people call that racketeering.  Let’s examine how Dr. Elizabeth Critz Schockmel, Psy.D., of New York State peddles her wares with the support of family court judges. Liz was recently appointed by the top jew family judge of the… Read More »Court Whore: Dr. Liz Schockmel

          McDonald: Lovin’ it!!

            Time to wake up the sheeple of Connecticut to the activities of the puppet masters who usurp the power of the people.  Neil Vigdor of the oldest newspaper in the country, the Hartford Courant, is subtly revealing how the minority agendas of politics are slowly destroying the American people. The State judiciary wants to be independent to execute its minority agendas free from oversight or control by the majority.  There is no concept of such judicial independence designed into the American system.  The courts are accountable to the people.  But the jews and the gays will promote a false concept of government to defeat the will of the people.  Let’s take… Read More »McDonald: Lovin’ it!!

            Jewdicial Hackery

              “A ransomware attack has knocked the state court system’s computers offline.”!!!! Really?  That is what gullible reporter Dave Owens of the Hartford Courant propaganda rag is repeating at the request of the jewdicial mafia of the state.  The concocted explanation by Melissa Farley, the propagandist of the Chief Court Administrator’s Office, is so twisted that it is a self-admitting lie to the public.  Melissa is a brainless puppet on strings of her masters Judge Patrick ‘the crook’ Carroll and the king jew, Judge Elliot Solomon.  Any public statement from these two clowns is rather suspect. Dave at the Courant says that Melissa at the jewdiciary said that a virus took down… Read More »Jewdicial Hackery

              More GAL Fees!!!!

                For the skeptics who still think that Connecticut Family Court gives a shit about children, here is a newsflash that it is all about money.  Our favourite cancer cunt Attorney Mary Brigham has not been paid and Judge Anna ‘Pedo’ Ficeto is pissed.  Brigham is the guardian ad litem for trafficked little girls in the case of Evie and Sofie Grohs.  Two gifts from God who have not been allowed to hug their mother since 1 August 2017. The pedo Judge, Anna Ficeto, notorious for the protection of child abuser Matthew Couloute back in 2015 over in Hartford, continues her role as child trafficker in Waterbury along with jew Judge… Read More »More GAL Fees!!!!

                Connecticut’s Rabbinical Family Court

                  Proof is in the pudding.  The custody law of the jewish state of Connecticut is a page right out of the Talmud.  Rabbinical rule over the goyim is codified in state statute to permit the jewdicial authorities to steal children at will. Examine the legal word salad of Connecticut General Statute 46b-56(c) in making ‘custody’ orders.  The legislature, under direction of King Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon has enacted confusion into law.  This section lists sixteen items that MAY be considered in trafficking children in a divorce matter.  But, in true jewish form, it allows for all items, or none, or anything else the jewidicial authority cares for to make… Read More »Connecticut’s Rabbinical Family Court

                  Jewdicial Transparency

                    What if ‘We the people’ were able to see all the details of a jewdicial miscreant’s behaviour over a term?  Let’s take a notorious family court hated jew, Judge Marielouise Schofield.  Is it not of the people’s interest to know how many GALs she appoints, who they are, how much they get paid, how many parents she puts in jail for not paying her pets?  How about those GAL invoices for professional services at $350/hr?  In the name of transparency and public scrutiny such important documents should be visible to the public, after all, it is ‘evidence’ of the jewish GAL work product. How about Schofield’s appellate record?  Should that… Read More »Jewdicial Transparency

                    Justice Andrew McDonald: Butthurt

                        The sexually deviant political elite of Connecticut want to push the people further up the HIV infected pooper chute of the Zionist agenda.  A political theme of the state is to promote everything that is anti-American, anti-Apple Pie, anti-Christian, driving society into a chaotic abyss; the revenge of Kundry. What is the purpose of having the anally fixated Andrew McDonald lead the third branch of state government for the next decade?  He is not a legal scholar.  He is not of superior intellect.  His judgement is so poor that he pleasures himself with another man’s anus.  Maybe little boys too?  His supporters attempt to muzzle free speech to protect… Read More »Justice Andrew McDonald: Butthurt