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Deviant Jews


    Time to call out the haters for hating, how hateful! Hypocrite jew Stephen Ginsburg sits atop the hateful jewish organization, the mislabeled ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, whose propaganda opposes the longstanding hatred of jews and parasitic behaviors. In the demented jewish mind, it is a crime for the goy to hate the jew, which is contrary to First Amendment protection of the right to hate. The land of the goy and home of the brave takes pride in its right to hate. If Ginsburg and his synagogue pals don’t like the hate, try a strip of land in Palestine. Wagner’s music is even banned there! The now-famous blog calls out Ginsburg for… Read More »HATE!

    Gay Skidmarks

      The jews are mad! The queer puppets of society are not woke enough to realize that their deviant sexual behavior and demand for ‘rights’ is nothing more than a jew sponsored propaganda tool to annoy the goy. Their constant effort to teach pre-pubescent children about the joys of sodomy or handling of double ended dildos unwittingly promotes the jewish agenda for the four-legged goy and their calves. But what is queer for the queers is the gay complaint that someone drove over their rainbow street art and left a mark. Sexual deviants are not smart people. The queer game of mixing Juneteenth with rainbow colors creates its own contradictions. Rainbow… Read More »Gay Skidmarks

      Gay Pride?

        What is it with fags? Why do they need to rub their gayness in society’s face? What is their constant need to recruit new members to their twisted community? Do they have a clue that no one gives a shit about their deviant pleasures, nor that no one really cares they are gay? What is with the constant demand for attention? Can’t they just be not seen and not heard? Or is it just more jewish propaganda to fuck up a Christian society and the precious children? The City of Saratoga Springs, NY claims that diversity and inclusion requires painting rainbow colors on the street, as a permanent welcome mat… Read More »Gay Pride?

        Creature of the State

          Need legal proof that jews run the family court to the beat of the Talmud drum? That the rulers of family court are so chosen that SCOTUS does not apply? Ready to stop believing the lie that a paedophile in a black robe knows what is best for a child? Ready to wake up? Got ammo? Twenty years ago, the highest court in the land re-stated the liberty rights which protect the parent-child relationship. These rights, well known since the Founding, first appeared in opinions in the 1920’s. A Christian society needs no judicial repetition in secular law to uphold the sanctity of parent-child bonds. Not until the jewish influence… Read More »Creature of the State

          Butcher Mary Brown

            Self-mutilation is a sure sign of a sick mind. An order by Dallas Judge Mary Brown to butcher a child is a sure sign of a sick society. The court power over children derives from the state’s duty to protect the infirm and infants. Labeled parens patriae, the protective state duty is exercised solely through the courts, meaning that the judges presiding over cases involving children hold duty to protect them. The juris prudence of the Texas court system now defines protection, as the necessity to chop off an eight year old penis, injecting the body with hormones to grow breasts and eliminate facial hair, while carving a gash in… Read More »Butcher Mary Brown