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Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

Now-famous Blog’s definition department spotlights jewdicial word-salad of the Connecticut family court in requiring unobtainable services to affect visitation between little Odin Sakon of 53 Benton Street, Manchester and his dad. Viet-cong terrorist Judge Tammy Nguyen specified unspecified service, not defined by the state, as a requirement of visitation, a jewdicial ploy to sever father-son bonds, inflame conflict, promote protracted litigation.  Little Odin has not played catch with his dad for the last ten months, not even a phone call, as mother Francelia Sevin employs the fruit of her womb as a weapon of vindictiveness against child’s father; all under the approval of paedophile Judge Leo Diana, master childhood rapist of Hartford. Oi vey! Just what the jews want for the goy! Rape of childhood supported by rabbinical court orders, penned by satan himself.

Blog litigation department notes TAMMY! is before the federal bench on civil rights deprivations for attempted murder of dad by denial of accommodations for his frail health. Now the jewdicial childhood rape division of the Superior Court further violates ADA Title II for regarding a parent as having a ‘disability’, then requiring the defect to be cured, by unspecified treatment, by an unspecified provider, of unspecified skills, on an unspecified diagnosis, while employing unspecified services for sole jewdicial purpose of prohibiting parental visitation with a child, in denial of fundamental liberty interest, all at an unknown cost … the essence of jewish ideology masquerading as law in gulag Connecticut; satan’s hand exposed!

The law of the land requires strict scrutiny under the substantive due process clause in protection of parent-child bonds, a constitutional requirement ignored by jewdicial whores under nigger boy Robinson, condoned by the puppets of the legislature’s jewdiciary committee, under present leadership of nigger boy Winfield and jew kid Stafstrom, promoted by a jew Governor and his yellow, commie chink AG Tong. In Connecticut, government works to silence the screams of children.

Public should honk loudly while driving down Benton Street in Manchester to let the neighbors know little Odin is being held prisoner, his childhood being raped, at #53 by Francelia Sevin and Dennis O’Toole.

Editor’s Note:  Freedom is protected by flames of liberty consuming family court and the monsters upon its bench.


Trifecta of childhood rapists, severing parent-child bonds, jewish ideology, promoted by satan, begging flash bangs of well regulated parental militia.

Odin gets no more peanuts and crackerjacks at the ol’ ball game with dad, jewish ideology relishes in rape of childhood. Jewdicial discretion is domestic terrorism.

Winfield and Stafstrom, childhood rapists, cannot oversee the jewdiciary, puppets employed to destroy constitutional rights of children, inciting imminent lawless action.

Domestic enemies, bullet magnets.



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