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Randall Hale

Another horror story out of the Connecticut cesspool, where the criminal justice system plays along with family court to abuse mothers, feeding mentally defective mind of Randall Hale of Haddam, satisfying insatiable need to malign mother of his children, destroy childhood, play victim, while his man card expires, hating his own mother, caging kids, promoting perverse masculinity, conditioning son and daughter in demonic mother hatred; satan’s psychosis grips another mad man and his lawyers Robert Tukey and Paige Quilliam.

The judicial destruction of the Hale family is orchestrated by usual judicial monsters:  Albis, Adelman, Diana, Armata, Moukawsher, and GAL Victoria Lanier. A case running for 1735 days; 1500 days post judgment, another fine example of how simple administrative ‘no fault’ divorce turns into character assassination, childhood rape, and a bank robbery. Daddy Randall Hale employs children as weapons of hate, plays victim when professional business entities disassociate from his narcissistic disorder, whining to Adelman it is all mom’s fault. Adelman issues a ‘no contact’ order between parents, an effort to further fuck up a family, promoting conflict, inflicting emotional distress, permanently scaring children. Adelman finds cigarette butts as evidence of stalking!!! The scripted drama can be read here.

Randall demonstrates inhumanity in response to mother’s notice of being hospitalized for heart failure, a month ago, by wishing the children’s mother a speedy death. Then two weeks later, on advice of counsel, he makes criminal complaint, being a victim of contact from dying ex-wife in violation of Adelman’s no contact ploy, springing to action state gestapo, F Troop of Westbrook, under LT. Alex Cintron, a moron with a badge, gun, attitude, grossing $170k/yr to hunt mothers on complaint of psycho daddy. Trooper Julia Bickford, packing gun, badge, no brains, grossing $92k/yr, thoroughly investigates Randall Hale’s complaint of dying mother’s desire to hug the fruits of her womb, the absence of mens rea needed for a crime, the kindliness of Hale’s wish for a speedy death, even abuse of son Randall Jr. and daughter Skylar by father’s forced isolation … child abuse under state and federal law … applying sleuth skills, Bickford pens affidavit claiming probable cause of criminal activity stemming from parental responsibility. ASA Jennifer W. Cooper of GA19, grossing $92k/yr, gets nutjob Judge Neeta Vatti, $190k/yr, to issue arrest warrant where no crime is committed … the failure of due process is grotesque.

Trooper Bickford, pumped to make a felony collar, assembles a goon squad of four Middletown thugs, raids mom’s house, arrests her, cuffs her, refuses to allow her to ingest required heart medication, marches her to the cruiser, where she collapses on the sidewalk with debilitating chest pains, at which cops chuckle at obviously fake drama on mother’s part, where the Middletown female cop, exercising her ‘training & experience’ directs mom to ‘breathe deep’ … as police know that when the heart stops, long deep breaths are pointless. Mom begs for nitro pills, which the cops reluctantly allow. Trooper Bickford argues with mom on need for an ambulance, which eventually arrives, police block the paramedic from approaching the coronary collapse on the sidewalk, explaining mom is faking it, no need for ambulance, as F Troop needs to book her in Westbrook, as Bickford set bond at $20k to ensure a stay in jail, directed by dad’s counsel. Bickford continues arguing with prisoner mother, ambulance is not needed, advises mom to get in the cruiser, where paramedics demand signature release to decline emergency medical services … causing another argument, mother demanding transport to hospital, where another argument ensues between Bickford and the paramedics to uncuff the victim, which Bickfored refuses. At Middlesex Hospital ER doctors confirm heart attack, transport to Hartford, admitted and cuffed to the bedrail with trooper guard at the door. As evening approaches, no overtime authorized, Bickford drops the $20k bail for a promise to appear, fingerprints mom in the ICU, reads rights, schedules arraignment for day after hospital release. Connecticut State Police in all their glory!!!

Attorney Neal Rogan will appear for the arraignment, while ASA Jennifer Cooper must explain the abused kids, neglectful father wishing mom dead, police denying medicine, impeding emergency medical service, fabricated bond amounts, cuffing a heart attack victim to a hospital bed … how is this a criminal matter? Probable cause of what? A cry out to hug kids before death is a crime in Connecticut? Humanity purged from society by order of Adelman, Vatti, Griffin, Cooper, Bickford? State gestapo now a moral compass?

The now-famous Blog notes Bickford’s arrest of Margaret Sullivan places mother in custody of the State, where denial of medication is liability to the sovereign people, insanity of State Troopers and Middletown Police expose stupidity of goons with guns under command of jelly donut whores Col. Stavros Mellekas ($195k/yr) and MPD Chief Erik Costa($165k/yr)

Editor’s Note:  Police misconduct is going to bite, no qualified immunity for withholding medication under color of arrest, resulting heart attack is liability to five dumb cops serving as a danger to society.


Hale family drama, Randall the narcissist, abused kids, nutty lawyers Tukey, Quilliam, Lanier, idiot trooper Julia Bickford, token Chief Costa, moron Mellekas, alien Judge Neeta Vatti … Connecticut’s finest family court judges, Albis, Adelman, Diana, Armata …the rapists of childhood.

Connecticut Chief State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin, trains henchman ASA Jennifer Cooper that being a mother is probable cause for arrest, it is the creed of the chosen nutmeg elite.

Governor Lamont, state sponsored familial destruction, childhood rape, mother hunting, for your family not his!


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