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Miyares Hoax

Virginia Attorney General, self-proclaimed Cuban, moron with a law degree, betrays a sovereign people becoming a jew puppet of the Holohoax variety. In the political wasteland of Richmond, Virginia, where history is re-written to abolish mention of the War of Northern Aggression, monuments to the fallen eradicated in name of black lives that never picked cotton, white people vilified for never owning slaves, now comes ‘spic boy Miyares promoting the greatest lie ever told: The HOLOHOAX.

Elected to be Virginia’s lawyer, Miyares abuses office, betrays oath, spits on ‘we the people’, strung to jew puppet strings he is a propagandist, promoting the lies of six million exterminated jews in showers, fire pits, devoured by caged bears, picked clean by hungry eagles. Miyares is owned. Upon return of his jew mandated pilgrimage to Israel, paying homage to the fabricated Holohoax display at Auschwitz, the indoctrinated, brainwashed ‘spic politician instructs Gary Settle, chief of state gestapo, to indoctrinate all storm trooper thugs under his command, by sending them to the Virginia Holohoax Museum for professional hoax indoctrination. Oi vey, Miyares can’t do the job of Attorney General, but he has time to instruct Colonel Gary Settle on matters not related to law enforcement … the mark of the jew puppet.  See Miyares’ instruction letter here.

I have created the Antisemitism Task Force within the Office of Attorney General. The mission of the Task Force includes: monitoring, information gathering, educating, and investigating instances of anti-semitism. In order to thoughtfully engage on these important issues, our public servants should be informed and trained to recognize acts of antisemitism. Therefore, I am respectfully asking you to include antisemitism training in your already robust training program for new officers. Specifically, I recommend visiting the Virginia Holocaust Museum and participating in one of their educational sessions. I plan on encouraging police forces across Virginia to include antisemitism training as well. To eradicate antisemitism, it is important that our law enforcement officers are able to identify it.

Jason Miyares obscures reality of First Amendment protections of anti-semitic, anti-jew, anti-anything speech, enforced upon Virginia by the Fourteenth Amendment, where police suppression of free speech is outlawed by our Constitution, a point lost on the Cuban communist masquerading as a free people’s lawyer. Does the Cuban clown incite revolt of Patriots by unleashing flying monkeys against those who disbelieve the greatest lie ever told? No politic in history ever loved jews; expelled from 109 countries in the last millennium, expelled twice by Roman emperors prior to the Common Era. What message does Virginia send by instructing police forces across the state that protected speech must be monitored, gathered, investigated? Chilling. Tyranny is alive and well in Virginia!! Sic semper tyrannis is another relic of the Founding, burned by jewish flames.

The trail of jewish tears starts with subjugation of Governor Youngkin, in threat of kike politics, issuing executive order #8 on his inauguration in January ’22 creating Commission To Combat Anti-semitism; translates to Kike Commish To Brainwash Goy. The kike commission is chaired by jew Jeffrey Rosen.

The purpose of this Commission is to study antisemitism in the Commonwealth, propose actions to combat antisemitism and reduce the number of antisemitic incidents, as well as compile materials and provide assistance to Virginia’s public school system and state institutions of higher education in relation to antisemitism and its connection to the Holocaust.

The commish takes aim at kids in public schools, by using public resources to promote Holohoax, goy kids will be indoctrinated to kikery of global elitism, by order of another kike puppet sitting as Virginia’s Governor. Disbelief of the holocaust is anti-semitic and will not be tolerated in the land of the free and home of the brave! Commish chair Rosen dutifully delivers commish ‘report‘ directing ‘spic boy Miyares to reveal his true Cuban commie colors in establishing a ‘task force‘ in Office of Attorney General, well beyond statutory authority of the sovereign. Commies are jews. Kikes don’t follow goy laws, neither do their puppets. Then Miyares goes on kike pilgrimage to demonstrate his hatred of First Amendment, disdain for all Virginians, dutifully executing his master’s bidding. Oi Vey! Virginia is run by kikes! Law enforcement is tasked with monitoring free speech, the Republic falls. Even Robert E. Lee’s horse, Traveller, is spinning in the grave. Hate speech is free speech, as Justice Alito’s unanimous SCOTUS decision reads:

Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express the thought that we hate.

To complete the strangulation of free expression, the legislature adopts the jew’s own definition of ‘anti-semitism’ verbatim from the International Holohoax Remembrance Alliance, in kikish word salad format:

Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.

Amazing how jews can drive Virginia to erase the historical event of the War of Northern Aggression, but promote the fictitious Holohoax. Proves that there is no sovereignty of the people, for the people, nor by the people, just a gulag with jew wardens.

Editor’s Note: Achieving Miyare’s goal of ‘eradicating anti-semitism’ requires elimination of the jew … is Miyare’s attempting the final solution?

Jew puppets shredding First Amendment right to hate chosen jews, Miyares, Rosen, Settle, Johnson, Youngkin, all hunting the minds of children.

Not that shit story again!

Relax, anti-jewism is protected by the First Amendment, Miyares is at war against the Constitution … using your money!

No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it. Chief Justice Marshall spoke for a unanimous Court in saying that: “If the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery . . . .” United States v. Peters, 5 Cranch 115, 136. A Governor who asserts a *19 power to nullify a federal court order is similarly restrained. If he had such power, said Chief Justice Hughes, in 1932, also for a unanimous Court, “it is manifest that the fiat of a state Governor, and not the Constitution of the United States, would be the supreme law of the land; that the restrictions of the Federal Constitution upon the exercise of state power would be but impotent phrases . . . .” Sterling v. Constantin, 287 U. S. 378, 397-398.