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Jew Hate

The jews are at it again! The holohoax is not enough, lies of showers, death camps, fire pits faded into the realm of bad fiction, so a new propaganda campaign of the oppressed hated kikes is unleashed upon America, assaulting constitutionally protected goy right to hate. Oi vey!

The new blue square is the colorful hashtag to call attention to the fact that 2.4% of the population is hated more than any other group in the history of ‘murika. Jews have rolled out disinformation that goy hate them more now than ever before, that their parasitic ways, deviant culture, chosen beliefs are actually hated, for which the chosen, oppressed, hated jew must work to brainwash goy that the jew is not really the ‘droids you are looking for’. Robert Kraft is tossing around his victimhood and his money to call attention to the fact that nobody loves the jews, never have, never will. Kraft’s spin is that it is goy fault. More bullshit. Kraft will waste $25M to blame goy for jew hating, claiming that jews are victims of 55% of all hate crimes, being only 2.4% of the population, that jews are victims 78% of the time for religious hate, justifying jew game of blaming goy for hating the hated. Blog’s history department finds no time in history where the jew was loved; expelled from 109 countries in the last millennia, pissing off every host society, reputation for treason and theft, is it any wonder these folks are hated?

The real issue is that jews are attacking First Amendment freedoms, protected liberty to hate what is disliked, to express displeasure. The trick is to cloak First Amendment right as hatred, market hatred as evil, victimizing poor oppressed holohoax survivors, all a veiled effort to shred the Bill of Rights, that is what the jew truly hates … a free people. Keep an eye out for the little blue square, the mark of the beast, effort to destroy goy rights.

Stand up to hate the jew … they hate you!


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