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$600 Reasonable

The jews of Connecticut family court work over the goy from both sides of the bench. Jewish lawyers charge ridiculous fees for pathetic legal cause in a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce, where the jew on the bench declares the fee REASONABLE! The game of family court is simply money. The true god of the jew.

A wink and a nod, one jew promotes the other jew’s fleecing of goy. Attorney Nancy Aldrich, the legal whore of rich folks in Westport charges $600/hr to drain the Ambrose family bank. A ridiculous fee for an attorney who drags out litigation for the sole purpose of fattening her purse. Her doting jewdicial pal Judge Jane Grossman passes judgement on ridiculous fees.

The court finds the hourly rate of $600 for Attorney Aldrich to be reasonable in light of her expertise and experience.

Judge Jane grossman

Ain’t that special! Jewdicial authority wielding absolute discretion from a tyrannical bench passes judgement on the expertise of a two-bit, piece of shit, jew lawyer, who has such great expertise and experience that her ridiculous fees are REASONABLE to another jew. Not reasonable to the lowly goy. Who would pay $10/minute for a jew whore who can’t obtain a no-fault divorce in 970 days? Is this the expertise and experience that Judge Grossman cites? Inability to deliver? Or is this just the jew tag team of draining family bank under jewish privilege of the rabbinical court? Blessed by the judge, who gets a cut?

The now-famous Blog’s accounting department questions the ‘expertise and experience’ adjustment to hourly rate. Aldrich has been practicing fleecing families for over 32 years, specializing in the simplistic legal proceeding of NO-FAULT DIVORCE. Filing out the paperwork is not worth $600/hr, but stealing kids from mother for the benefit of a pedo daddy like Christopher Ambrose is indeed a fine jewish skill. Pedo Ambrose is paying the enormous fee not for filing papers, determining child support, scheduling visitation, dividing up marital assets, he is purchasing a decision to cut mom out of the life of the kids … that is the ‘expertise’ that Judge Grossman knows to be worth such a high fee. The judge must be paid. What is the cost/benefit to Christopher Ambrose that isolating the kids from mom is worth several hundred thousand dollars in legal fees? Sinister? Deviant? Mental?

Blog finds it scary to think what ‘experience and expertise’ is held by Attorney Edward Nusbaum, also of Westport, who charges $750/hr? This is terrifying. What is the experience and expertise that is purchased for such a fee? Coincidence that Nusbaum is a jew too? Why do the jews play so well together? Charge so much? Attorney Nusbaum represented mom in the Ambrose case, ran up a bill of over $75,000 in three months, then quit, without obtaining the simplistic no-fault divorce.

Could this be true? Two of the most experienced, expert matrimonial jewish attorneys in Westport, working with a jew GAL, with advice of a jew psychologist, appearing before two jew judges could not workout a no-fault divorce in a reasonable time? How could this be? The jewish gang of Aldrich, Nusbaum, Hurwitz, Caverly, Grossman, Adelman; more like a racketeering operation than a court proceeding. How does nigger boy Robinsion allow this?

Editor’s Note: Any rational man seeking a divorce would have already fired Nancy Aldrich for failure to perform. The issue in pedo utopia is that Aldrich is trafficking kids, a jewish delicacy.


Nigger Boy Chief Justice Robinson, powerless to manage no-fault divorce. Jews control the process and the money. Robinson is slave to the jews.