The now-famous Blog notes the interesting opinion piece in the nation’s oldest newspaper about a Connecticut judge who has not been to work in two years. The opinion is by South Windsor shill Kevin Rennie who is always good for a laugh. Kevin is all worked up over the fact that the incompetent, rather retarded excuse of a judge, Alice Bruno has been paid her $180k salary for two years while never coming to work. In the commercial world this would be of concern, however it is not necessarily a bad thing when pathetic Connecticut judges stay out of the courtroom, the Constitution and ‘we the people’ are better off. Just imagine a world where no jew family court judge came to work … there would be rejoicing everywhere, but in the lawyer’s lounge.
The shill’s opinion contains a few gems. Kevin praises Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto claiming she “made her reputation as a thoughtful and effective judge in the minefield of family court.” Blog calls bullshit on that, noting Kevin is queer, as is Elizabeth and there is mutual admiration of deviancy in local politics. In reality, Bozzuto is a Blog star who was kicked off the family bench and stashed in the deputy administrator job to hide her incompetence from the public. Bozzuto has illegally allowed a judge to be absent from work for two years with full pay, bilking the taxpayer. Bozzuto is too stupid to realize the obvious impropriety of the judicial branch for letting this go on. Stupid dyke is more focused licking her lesbo girlfriend at the queer club on orgy night than administrating to the totally fucked up judicial branch.
Kevin subtly suggests that Robinson, Bozzuto, Carroll, and the Judicial Review Council are in cahoots to bilk the taxpayer for a fully compensated disabled state employee, what Blog calls fraud. Yeah, big deal, plenty of money goes missing every year from the branch budget, which ends up as an overlooked footnote in the audit report, that is just how Connecticut works. Kevin notes that the missing judge has a lawyer, scum bag Jacques J. Parenteau. Why does a judge need a lawyer to talk to other judges about her inability to work? There is a rat or two to smell. Drama of under performing state employees is hardly newsworthy. That is all the state employs in the first place. But Kevin seeks out comment from the big dumb nigger who heads up the judiciary committee in the General Assembly: Sen. Gary Holder-Winfield.
Winfield holds a ‘passion for progress’ but lacks any other abilities to progress. Black boy representing New Haven and West Haven is just a puppet for progressives (jews) who really want to fuck things up. Winfield is perplexed over the absent judge and will use his position of power to seek answers. The dumb nigger is exposed. He is chair of the judiciary committee, over a court system that rapes children, destroys families financially, and brings embarrassing national attention to a sovereign people, but black boy does nothing about it, calls no hearings, issues no subpoenas, demands no review of judges who abuse children, destroy parent-child bonds, he just sits, looking the other way, just what the jews of New Haven want him to do, like a puppet. But when Kevin the queer asks about a truant judge, Winfield is perplexed and is going to look into it and get answers. See the scam of the entire state judicial mafia? Raping kids is protected, thievery of family savings is a pastime. Judicial truancy is perplexing.
The state would benefit from paying Judge Gerard Adelman to stay home. Judge Holly Wetstone. Judge Jane Grossman. Judge Anna Ficeto. Judge Eric Coleman. Pay them all extra to stay out of the court room, the children will benefit. Only the lawyers would be crying.
The Blog gives a shout out to Kevin for exposing this big dumb nigger who thinks a truant judge is more ‘perplexing’ than all the child abuse and racketeering that goes on every day in family court. Winfield is a ringer, put in charge of the judiciary committee along with white jew boy Rep. Steve Stafstrom to protect court rape of childhood. Connecting the dots on childhood rape in family court weaves through the General Assembly, the Governor’s office, the Attorney General, the Supreme Court, Department of Children and Families, State Police, municipal police, Bar Association, the queer/deviant communities, and of course the all powerful state pedophile ring, supported and protected by state officials.
Are you ‘PERPLEXED’?