Time to spotlight another court whore with a psychology degree who sells personal opinions in the form of professional forensic services absent any published protocol in the cesspool of family court.
The jewish brand of psychology portrays junk science as ‘forensic evaluation’. More word salad for the feeble-minded who are scam victims of illegitimate court orders that appoint a quack to evaluate something to no standard for a hefty fee. We little people call that racketeering. Let’s examine how Dr. Elizabeth Critz Schockmel, Psy.D., of New York State peddles her wares with the support of family court judges.
Liz was recently appointed by the top jew family judge of the 4th Judicial District, the notorious Richard B. Meyer. How the judge knows Liz is not disclosed. Liz has no contract with the judicial department, but she is a well-known court whore as she proudly boasts over 750 ‘court ordered’ evaluations and has provided ‘expert’ testimony in over 75 cases. What is her magic sauce? Insider judicial connections? Kickbacks? Jewish? Hubby Keith is a lawyer?
Liz is so well-connected that she states she is on the FACULTY of the Third Department and that she is a member of its CURRICULUM Committee; positions held since 1996. Only problem is the court system has no faculty nor a curriculum committee and Liz holds no contract with the state to provide services to the Unified Court System. Read her delusional CV here . Visit her webpage here.
Liz markets herself to unscrupulous family court attorneys who need an expert to fatten their wallets in protracted litigation of no Christian purpose. The only way Liz makes money is by attorney retainer or court order. But how does Judge Meyer know who she is? How has the court system vetted this charlatan? What published protocols make up her ‘forensic’ work? What published studies support her subjective opinions? The answers are all the same, none, notta, zip. Liz is a court whore who steals money in exchange for pure quackery unsupported by science. Her work has no measure of efficacy. Joe the plumber and the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club members know more about kids and parents. Liz just performs a prostitute’s function to generate personal revenue.
Speaking of revenue, Liz will not provide a written contract for services to the victim. She only provides an hourly rate, a schedule of activities, but no scope definition, no description of methodology, no protocol, no references to published evaluation criteria; nothing that would define the professional service for which the victim will pay through the nose. Not that Judge Meyer would even consider such a contract a necessity of his order; Liz and Meyer are a tag team.
As discussed previously in this blog, there is no ‘forensic custody evaluation’ in the realm of psychological sciences. Dr. Robert E. Emery of the University of Virginia laid it out in his paper many years ago. Nothing has changed since. Dr. Eleanor Maccoby of Stanford University, editor of the professional journal, stated clearly in 2005 that the legal system itself is a danger to children. Emery and his co-authors prove that there are no ‘forensic’ or ‘scientific’ methods of the profession that can be used in a family court custody dispute. The AFCC and Liz don’t want their prey to understand that the jewish game of psychology in family court is just a racket for court whores and a slick judicial kickback scheme. Judge Richard Meyer does not want the public to know that his girl Liz is a scam artist. The Meyer/Schockmel jewish version of ‘The Sting’. The Third Department will not admit that it has no FACULTY or CURRICULUM COMMITTEE, but does admit there is no contract with her. Liz can’t see her own psychotic break from reality or face the fact that she is simply a court whore. Pumping out 750 court ordered evaluations in twenty years is turning a trick every seven work days….a well oiled whore indeed.
Jews make money off the goyim by orchestrating legal battles over children; God’s gifts. Meyer and Schockmel are un-American, non-Christian, scam artists that make the AFCC proud, while embarrassing the State of New York.
Editor’s Note: As the cesspool of family court judges rely on psychological junk science, it is curious to note that there is no case law anywhere in NY which defines an ‘evaluation’ as ordered by Judge Meyer. Just another jewish invention to subdue the goy before the bench.