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Fucking Idiot, LLC

Time to focus on court scam artist Stephanie Stein Leite.  She parades as a doctor, but not the real type, the fake one having a Psy.D.  Her snake oil is the masterful jewish game of psychology.  Because she is a trained jew, she can tell what is wrong with the unchosen people.  Her new shingle is Forensic Intelligence, LLC.  A scam to convince the feeble minded that she has magical powers to provide meaningful personal opinions about other people.

The snake charmer claims she can perform ‘custody evaluations’, but sadly, she cannot provide a published reference nor protocol for conducting such jewish voo doo.  Dr. Robert E. Emery Ph.D of the University of Virginia, an AFCC pal and psycho colleague, along with two other Ph.D, psychologists have published a paper which states the so called science of psychology has no ability to produce an opinion regarding custody.  See paper. Stein-Leite is just junk science applied to a flawed system to drain money from vulnerable families.  Jew judges run this game and know the profitability.  Vendor kickbacks to the judge being the only professional requirement.

So our bird brain charlatan Stephanie the con artist will tell you all of her magical powers, but provide no documentation to support her methodology.  After all, she is working for the judge, has been told what the judge wants to hear and has been given large sums of money from the children’s college savings account to produce her drivel.  Her degree, Psy.D., limits her professional practice to the scientific method and behavioral science, neither which exist for so called ‘custody evaluations’.  But she is always highly recommended by the jewish GAL orchestrating the family financial fleecing.

She is an expert on anything the judge wants her to be.  Expertise is not objectively proven, it is merely the whim of the judge ordering the payment.  A jewdicial resource to attest to the benefits of paedophilia.  Check out her snow job sales pitch on her website.   Civilized societies call this fraud.  She has lots of experience of scamming people, but lacking any measure of efficacy for her work.

So when you see FORENSIC INTELLIGENCE principal Dr. Stein-Leite, just think FUCKING IDIOT.  Protect your kids, stay away!!!

Fucking Idiots LLC. Another court whore.
Court Whore Dr. Stephanie Stien Leite.

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