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Judge Wilson J. Trombley

Update: Dickhead Fasano

    A quick update on child predator and famous Dickhead Attorney Michael Fasano in his representation of Madman William Grohs. Remember that pedo Judge Anna Ficeto isolated Evie and Sophie from their mother on August 31st of last year.  No reason was given, no memo of decision issued, just jewdicial discretion to break up another Christian family; destruction of maternal parental bonds absent a state interest.  Talmudic edicts issued from a state court in violation of statute which requires ‘active and consistent involvement’ of both parents (46b-56 (b)).  But Fasano and the devil’s whore Attorney Mary Brigham are making money trafficking kids in Connecticut’s family court jewish cesspool…..literally hundreds of thousands of… Read More »Update: Dickhead Fasano

    Watertown Speech Police

      The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

      Judge Wilson J. Trombley: Traitor

        Judges hold duty to protect the rights of litigants and to uphold the Constitution.  But not the old geezer Wilson J. Trombley, old fart and judge trial referee of Connecticut Superior Court in Waterbury, sitting on the bench in his Depends where before him stands minor kid, Mark Frenzel of Watertown. The jewdicial miscreant Trombley, taking a payoff under the table from jew boy Attorney Steve Levy, entertains a claim for restraining order against Kelly Grohs.  Case UWY CV 17 4037928, Mark Frenzel v Kelly Grohs.  But it is not really the kid against Kelly Grohs, it is just William J. Grohs, the nut case x husband of Kelly, using… Read More »Judge Wilson J. Trombley: Traitor

        Mark Frenzel

          Time to take inventory of the miscreant youth named Mark Frenzel of Watertown, Connecticut.  The kid is a pawn in an evil and expensive game of William J. Grohs, the madman psychopath hell bent on proving his manliness by isolating his daughters from their mother. William J. Grohs is the mentally deranged humanoid whose twisted ego drives him to destroy the lives of every person he ever attempted to hold a relationship; whether it is a woman, child, dog or other man, he can only wreak havoc on people.  His latest episode of deviant behavior was to drag Mark Frenzel into court to make false claims that the x wife… Read More »Mark Frenzel

          Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley

            Time to spotlight another terrorist in a black robe doing the work of the Connecticut state pedo ring.  Judge Wilson J. Trombley is still entertaining the case of the invisible stalker out of Watertown, Connecticut.  Remember Watertown?  The home of dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, where Judge Gold determines that bullets can fly unobstructed through 900 feet of forest.  Where the pedo Police Chief John Gavallas arrests mothers for no reason other than simple cash in the pocket from pedo’s like William J. Grohs.  A strange place indeed. This nut job in a black robe, Trombley, having an unhealthy attraction to the back end of little boys is… Read More »Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley