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Matthew Couloute at it again!

    Latest update on Matthew Couloute’s never ending drama of lies continues in mid-July where he has been summoned to appear in person before Erie County Family Court, Judge Thomas DiMillo, who will take up his petition to relocate daughter Sophie to Atlanta, because daddy is delusional, mom is bad, and daughter is a victim of sexual abuse, living in safe haven.  Thought LoVallo was bad, DiMillo is evil. Remember the story, Matthew Couloute is an attorney in good standing in Connecticut and New York, registered at 3210 Lakeheath Drive in Cumming, Georgia, but represents to the court that he is living at 574 King Street in Suwannee, in Gwinnett County,… Read More »Matthew Couloute at it again!

    Moukawsher’s Error

      The now famous worst Blog takes this opportunity to identify Judge Moukawsher’s error in his disbarment drama of a zealous advocate pleading in rights of three kids and their mom.  The retarded Mouk twists reality into a fictional complaint of baseless accusations against the family court’s jewish players who cannot recognize rights of parties.  Mouk pretends he can’t see family court is a jewish cesspool of anti-Christian ideology singularly designed to destroy the concept of goy family, while trafficking children, a jewish delicacy of sexual deviancy.  But Mouk wields tyrannical wrath from the bench against advocates despised by the jew. Quick recap is Judge Adelman had a conscience issue of… Read More »Moukawsher’s Error


        The mark of the jew is implanted on the bench of Bridgeport family court, Judge Antoni Truglia, the anti-christ presiding. Today the son of Satan ruled that mother’s pleadings to hug her kids are FRIVOLOUS, that her heinous disregard for the power of discretion renders her need to appeal Judge Adelman’s child isolation orders meritless. The penniless mother will not be granted a fee waiver to pay for thousands of pages of transcripts, as it is a WASTE of court funds to allow an abused citizen to appeal the draconian orders of the family court, constitutional trespass be damned! Blog can’t make this shit up! The JEW has ruled whining… Read More »Frivolous!

        Fundamental Right

          The Connecticut family court declares children hold fundamental liberty interests in relationship with parents. The Hartford Family Court ruled such in Reich v Reich, ruling children hold constitutionally protected fundamental rights to hug a parent. The court finally recognizes that SCOTUS exists, acknowledging two decade old ruling of Troxel stating parent-child relationships are constitutionally protected. Has a new dawn broken in Connecticut? Have jewish edicts been purged from the courts? Has the Constitution been recognized? Of course not! Childhood rape continues under jewish control, rights do not matter, constitutional principles do not matter, billable hours and shekels are all that matter to Alex Cuda’s band of child predators, known as… Read More »Fundamental Right

          Nasty Nastri

            Another paedo case out of Hartford Family Court! A financial feast! Dad is good, mom is bad, son is molested by dad, mom is still bad, son hates dad, therapists, lawyers, guardians, DCF, mom is bad, dad has money, mom is really bad. The gravy train of Reich v Reich is in its tenth year of post-judgment litigation. Daddy has admitted to ‘playing’ with son Michael’s penis and other parts, proving mom right, exposing a deviant GAL paid to protect predatory daddy. But daddy has money, so Judge Nastri takes the kid away from mom! But dad is a child molester, so now child Michael belongs to the State of… Read More »Nasty Nastri

            Charles B. Andrews

              Blog history department highlights the unconstitutional behavior of Connecticut Judicial Branch created by its own chief justice well beyond foolish bench law of immunity for limo drivers, GALs, custody evaluators, n-word criminal speech, gay marriage, hate speech, or a host of other foolish decisions of seven retarded dwarfs who sit upon the high bench in the nutmeg state. Blog historians spotlight CHARLES B. ANDREWS, son of Episcopal reverend, Amherst alum, a lawyer, senator and representative from Litchfield, chair of judiciary committee, governor, superior court judge, then chief judge. Talk about a dirty politician and crooked lawyer! CJ Andrews could not spell due process nor count to 14th Amendment. The judicial… Read More »Charles B. Andrews


                The now-famous WORST Blog highlights the jewdicial incompetence of kunt Judge Grasso-Egan and ‘spickish Judge Eddie Rodriguez for their inability to apply the law of a sovereign people, doing a favor for jew whore Lisa Knopf, turning concept of COURT into a stage drama to malign a mother, molest a child, and enrich a jew … not what the founding fathers had in mind, a standard of performance worse than the Crown, where at least Kings care about children of the realm, where jews of family court only care about billable hours, inflicting emotional harm on families, raping childhood for Satan’s pleasure. The drama centers on CGS §46b-15, a law… Read More »Fear

                Tiberi Outs Volpe

                  Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport. Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you. Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in… Read More »Tiberi Outs Volpe

                  The Un-Governed

                    The sovereign people of Connecticut live in an altered reality where they foolishly elect representatives attending to matters of government, but end up gulag prisoners under jewish control holding no respect for the liberties of the Union. Gulag Connecticut, where rights go to die, where children are raped, where jews thrive, judges be tyrants. Take aim at senate president Martin Looney, Speaker Matt Ritter, committee chairs Gary Winfield and Steve Stafstrom who allow the jewdiciary to run amok for the pleasure of jewish masters. These four clowns cannot check the rogue judiciary of CJ Richard Robinson. The long line of idiots masquerading as elected officials going back to the late… Read More »The Un-Governed

                    More Word Salad

                      The now-famous worst Blog highlights the disconnect between law and jewdicial practice in the armpit of Bridgeport Courthouse, before the less than honorable ‘spic Judge Eddie Rodriguez, who suffers from un-diagnosed mental impairment, manifesting cognitive dissonance, unable to comprehend plain meaning of statutes, opinion of case law, impairing ability to uphold rule of law, requiring attention under Canon Rule 2.14: Disability and Impairment. This is a no shitter, another lunatic on the bench. Jew attorney Lisa Knopf brings forth application for a relief from physical abuse restraining order to protect manly dentist Dr. Frank Tiberi from the petite form of his soon to be ex-wife. Manly Frank swears under oath… Read More »More Word Salad