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Connecticut Family Court

The Internet Exists!

    The now-famous Blog points out to the unknowing that the internet exists, court is a public forum, society is a chatty bunch, sovereign people hold right to scrutiny of monsters raping childhoods, under the color of state no-fault divorce laws. Blog star and child abuser Christopher Ambrose of 281 Horsepond Road in Madison has a problem living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, he does not like public scrutiny of mental disorders that rape childhoods of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, but his jewish lawyer pals Nancy Aldrich and Jocelyn Hurwitz enjoy plundering family bank, ensuring no college funds for kids. Oi vey, what damage… Read More »The Internet Exists!

    Nusbaum Fraud

      The now-famous Blog spotlights Connecticut’s regulated craft of plunder in the highly regulated profession of law, a den of thieves known to all as ‘family court’.  The jews of the Gulag conspire to rape goy wallets in the name of legal services, another jew scam to bleed four-legged animals in fabricated custody fights. The judges of the jewdiciary, responsible for regulating the ‘honorable profession’, promote and protect the plunder and loot racket incidental to state issuance of administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce. A jewish racket, protected by state government, no benefit to society, a danger to children, a jewdiciary actively promoting fraud for the benefit of the jew. Attorney Edward Nusbaum is… Read More »Nusbaum Fraud


        The now-famous Blog reports efforts underway in Connecticut to impeach Chief Justice Richard Robinson under Article IX of the state constitution.  A well regulated parental-militia, with bare arms, holding necessity to protect children from monsters of family court target the chief justice for impeachment; eliminating the head of the snake.  Here are the draft articles: ARTICLE I Chief Judge Richard Robinson abuses judicial power, undermines court integrity, brings disdain upon the office, betrays trust of a sovereign people, in failing to uphold 14th Amendment protections, prohibiting judges from severing mother-child bonds under the color of no-fault divorce law, solely on arbitrary and capricious discretion of trial court judges, being federal… Read More »IMPEACH!

        God, Family, Country

          The jews be mad!  A people who value God, Family, Country, a way of life, a culture; oi vey, the four-legged peoplestock are getting out of control. What if the MAJORITY of sheeple in Connecticut start bleating God, Family, Country? The demise of Ned Lamont and his jewish overlords? The slaying of William Tong and his perverted band of paedophiles? The lynching of Nigger Boy Robinson? The scattering of school boards on jewish puppet strings? No more transgender propaganda? No queer talk? No post birth abortion rights? What will the jew do? What if these far right God fearin’, family protecting, country loving fanatics all have guns? .308 ball ammunition… Read More »God, Family, Country


            Judge Jane Kupson Grossman of Connecticut and Judge Jane Gallina Mecca of New Jersey continue the line of despotic female judges who are known for cruelty, bias, and autocratic controls in their courtroom that are entirely unrepresentative of and contrary to all of the accepted rules of the tenets of ethics of judicial practice or basic human decency. Their rulings are consistent with the craven cruelty of judges who sent children to prison in the private prison “kids for cash” scheme in Pennsylvania. We use these two judges as examples of cruel and malevolent judges around the country, because we have had access to a number of cases before these two… Read More »Psychopaths

            Legislative Conspiracy

              The now-famous Blog examines legislative conspiracy in criminal racketeering of Connecticut family court, where due process suspends, allowing jewish plunder in name of best interests. So subtle, so slippery, few people recognize the deceit wielded upon ‘we the people’ by the Jewdiciary Committee of the General Assembly; the goy swindled by their own representatives. King’s Charter of 1662 establishes the Connecticut colony, courts resemble crown courts of merry ol’ England, by 1821 a nutmeg constitution came to be, courts still reflecting English roots. Power to appoint a guardian ad litem is inherent, dating to the sixteenth century. Courts posses inherent power to tax litigants for costs to the Crown, same… Read More »Legislative Conspiracy

              Shylock Nusbaum

                The Shakespearean thespians of the now-famous Blog highlight jewish drama of family court Shylocks, who disguise ‘phone calls’ as legal services in securing an administrative no-fault divorce to run up billable hours on an unsuspecting mother. Blog proves again the merry band of thieves known as the Family Bar Association, run by crook Alex Cuda is an evil, deceptive, greedy, criminal enterprise, subject to federal racketeering prosecution. Westport jew lawyer, Ed Nusbaum, scams a mother over ninety-eight grand, never stepping foot in court, never filing a motion, never arranging settlement, just professional craft of plunder in the honorable profession of law; a jew’s playground. Nusbaum is a pathetic evil creature… Read More »Shylock Nusbaum

                Jocelyn’s $194,000!

                  The final jewish stab at the Ambrose family wallet comes from jew Jocelyn Hurwitz, the guardian of best interests for Mia, Mathew, and Sawyer, the sworn shekel certificate has been filed!  See it here.  The crazy cunt can’t comply with state law, her certificate of plunder is required by statute, §46b-12(c), to be filed in May, but jew cunt could not possibly comply with state law of the people, attorney admitted to the honorable profession, cannot be trusted to file on time. The accounting department of now-famous Blog notes that Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz swears to fraud by admitting charges for many hours of $210/hr retarded secretary downloading from the efile… Read More »Jocelyn’s $194,000!


                    The new jewdicial ruling of Hartford Family Court is REJECTED!  No practice book rule on rejected pleadings, no legislative approval of Judge Leo Diana’s new adjudication process, just REJECTED, without comment.  The goy get no access to court, no redress, no openness, without sale, denial or delay, justice is withheld from the peasants by the REJECTED ruling of the elite masters in black robes … now begging for a .50 cal freedom seed, passing between the ears. Even SCOTUS sez that courts are the alternative to violence, looks like Judge Diana prefers violence. By Diana’s rejection of a simple pleading, he violates redress clause of the First Amendment, where his… Read More »Rejected!

                    Incompetent Mark Ferraro

                      The incompetence of Connecticut family court continues to astound. The blunders of judges and attorneys expose jewdical danger to children and society. These clowns have no clue to limits of their insanity, prancing around courtrooms, in complete ignorance of rule of law. Dumb fucks just doing whatever they want while mocking goy criticism in condescending tone; jews all. Take Mark Ferraro, Esq. of Bristol, who deceives the public, claiming legal knowledge for hire of family matters, in reality he is just another hack, raping childhoods for shekels with jew bar pals.  Ferraro suckers a trusting client, charges big bucks, appears before Judge Jorge Simon, ‘spic idiot in a black robe,… Read More »Incompetent Mark Ferraro