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Have a CAVERLY custody evaluation? FrankReport wants to hear your story!!!

FR Seeking Victims of Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, CT Family Court’s Notorious Custody Evaluator

Frank Report is investigating Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, a psychologist specializing in suspect custody evaluation reports for CT Family Court. If she’s done a custody evaluation report for you, you may be a victim of a crime. Contact me at 305-783-7083 or email I am currently studying 17 of her cases, and a shocking pattern of suspected racketeering is emerging. Even the footnotes are identical.

Initial Findings

Based on my study of Dr. Biren-Caverly’s custody evaluation reports and other information, the suspected racketeering involves specific types of divorce and custody cases. These are high conflict cases with affluent families where one parent is an abuser and one a protective parent. High conflict cases often involve an abusive parent and a protective parent. It should not be a surprise, for there would be no high conflict over children both parents claim they love if at least one parent was not abusive. Ironically, the abuser often has more money than the protective parent. When this occurs, it is the ideal case for co-conspirators to feast on a family’s net worth. CT, for whatever reason, is a hotbed for these kinds of cases. It begins with family law attorneys, whose roles are interchangeable. They will represent the protective parent in one case and the abuser in the next. Then they will be the guardian ad litem [GAL], the attorney appointed to represent the children’s best interest in another case. The attorneys for litigants pretend to be adversarial but collaborate to maximize billings. They also collaborate to select a GAL who pretends to be neutral and working in the children’s best interest. Once the GAL is appointed, she orders a “psychological evaluation” for both parents, and, in the cases we are studying, she recommended the notorious Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly.

My Findings on Dr. Biren-Caverly

Dr. Biren-Caverly is NOT an MD and lacks the clinical skill and expertise to make diagnoses. She uses a boilerplate template for evaluations to replicate similar outcomes. Her template justifies placing children with abusers, including sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuses. Dr. Biren-Caverly conspires with the GAL and attorneys to destroy the credibility of the victims, both adults, and children, through “made-to-order diagnosis,” ignoring scientific data and evidence of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse of children. Dr. Biren-Caverly does not spend sufficient time with either litigant to make accurate conclusions about mental health and personality disorders or make assumptions about co-parenting abilities. Yet, she writes lengthy reports about how detrimental the protective parent will be to the children and ex-spouse.

Parental Alienation

After brief interviews with the children and parents, Dr. Biren Caverly often determines parental alienation. Dr. Biren-Caverly recommends the transfer of custody from the parent she determines is alienating, usually the mother, to the other parent, usually the affluent father, and suggests no contact with the children and the alienating parent. Dr. Biren-Caverly often finds that stay-at-home mothers are alienating their children and recommends these mothers lose custody. Dr. Biren-Caverly sometimes recommends removing children from fathers and into abusive mothers’ hands if the mothers have more money. It is rarely reversed once the judge adopts Dr. Biren-Caverly’s recommendation and changes legal and physical custody ‘temporarily’ from mother to father. Affluent abusive parents pay more to avoid alimony and child support and thwart investigations into pedophilia, which runs rampant in CT and is part of this conspiracy. Pedophiles pay more for custody. Dr. Biren-Caverly ignores evidence of abuse and calls it parental alienation. She will find the “appearance” of mental illness in mothers who don’t have money. Though not a medical professional and not qualified to diagnose medical conditions, when she reports a mother has the “appearance” of mental illness, the court accepts it over the word of psychiatrists qualified to make medical diagnoses. Multiple psychiatrists (MDs) have documented severe concerns about Dr. Biren-Caverly’s malpractices. But CT Family Court judges pay no heed to their concerns. CT Family Court judges validate the GAL and Dr. Biren-Caverly and will deny the protective parent’s motions/pleas, etc., and approve the abuser’s motions/objections. From a 5000 foot view, the judges appear to have taken appropriate interventions, specifically the appointment of a GAL and a psychologist to document a superficial clinical narrative. Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly appears to have marching orders before sitting down with the parents to do her custody evaluation. Dr. Biren-Caverly often recommends the “temporary” removal of the mother [or father] with less money from the children’s lives. Both the GAL and Dr. Biren-Caverly recommend therapists to bill the family for services to assist in reunification. The therapists reinforce Dr. Biren-Caverly’s findings. The court seals Dr. Biren-Caverly’s report, and the parties cannot obtain a copy. Caverly is paid around $12,000 for her report and $5000 for her testimony during the trial. Her testimony is often sealed.

Facts About Dr. Biren-Caverly

  1. Dr. Biren-Caverly is not a treating provider of any of the parties.
  2. Dr. Biren-Caverly appears to be solely engaged in creating predetermined outcomes.
  3. Dr. Biren-Caverly trivializes suicide attempts, animal cruelty, overuse of medications—including anti-psychotics— trading/selling controlled substances (a felony), and evidence of emotional and psychological abuse of children.
  4. Dr. Biren-Caverly creates diagnoses to protect abusers, facilitating abuse of children and removal of the protective parent.
  5. Dr. Biren-Caverly and coconspirator GALs dismiss, trivialize and remove documentation of child sexual abuse and place the children back with abusers who paid them.

Dr. Biren-Caverly Report

Dr. Biren-Caverly’s custody evaluation report will run about 80 pages. It will include

  1. reports of hasty interviews with parents and children.
  2. observations of parent-child interactions.
  3. results of standardized tests. The tests are inappropriate for custody evaluations based on literature showing their misuse in child custody evaluations. That results are frequently confounded with the parents’ significant stress.
  4. Outside sources of information, typically interviews with individuals she chooses to call to support her predetermined outcome.

Though in proper custody evaluations, it needs to be established who is doing the alienating, alternative hypotheses are of no interest to Dr. Biren-Caverly. She never reports that the reason for the rejection of one parent by the child is not parental alienation but because that parent is an abuser. Dr. Biren-Caverly almost always determines that the alienator is the parent with less money. Dr. Biren-Caverly almost always concludes that an alienating [poorer] parent has a personality disorder, is incapable of co-parenting, and alienates the children to the point where the children do not want to be with the other, perfectly good parent. Dr. Biren-Caverly usually recommends that children be separated from their [usually] mother until a reunification therapist reduces negative comments and fosters a positive relationship between the parents. This rarely succeeds but costs a lot of money to try. Dr. Biren-Caverly essentially terminates parental rights, an extraordinary step, and it usually involves terminating the children’s relationship with their primary attachment figure.

What She Does Not Report

Dr. Biren-Caverly does not report

  1. “alienation” has been highly correlated with abusive fathers. In this reversed reality, abusers characteristically think of themselves as victims.
  2. that preventing children from being with their primary attachment figure is likely to harm them.
  3. that removing children from their primary attachment figure to be with a parent with whom they are uncomfortable causes betrayal trauma and long-term severe psychological damage.

Dr. Biren-Caverly claims to believe that parental alienation has severe negative impacts on children, which is more harmful than taking a child from her primary attachment figure. Dr. Biren-Caverly does not investigate litigants’ contradictory accounts. Her conclusions are unsupported by the data, and she misuses psychological tests to diagnose the predetermined alienator as mentally ill when there is no information to support these diagnoses. Dr. Biren-Caverly does not consider alternative hypotheses for information that she provides in her report before recommending that children be deprived of their primary attachment figure.

Contact Me If You Have Been Abused.

You Are Not Alone. All calls are confidential. 305-783-7083; email:

Editor’s Note: Caverly is only appointed by jewish judges on recommendations of jewish lawyers, curious conduct for an impartial court system. Caverly only evaluates families with big bank. Poor folk are never her victims.