Another horror story of family court! Murder trial is underway for nutjob NYPD cop who froze his son to death in the garage, poor kid was not allowed to hug his mother, by order of a jew judge acting in best interests of a rabbinical court, incidental to no-fault divorce, a jewish delicacy of familial destruction. Why is Judge Hope Zimmerman not in jail? A jew bitch, wielding jewish hate from the bench, inhumane rulings, isolating children from mothers for the joy of the jew. Little Tommy had Attorney Donna McCabe to zealously advocate for his constitutional right to hug his mom, but McCabe is paid by the jew in the black robe, a child sacrificed to jewdicial deviancy.
Tommy’s Dad will have his day in court, with jury conviction for being a monster with badge, gun, and attitude, a clown in uniform, sworn to serve and protect, cannot keep his son warm at night, a great example of human filth. Bookies are making odds on how long child chilling cop survives in prison, in natural law, prison has its own form of justice. Society prays karma catches Judge Zimmerman and her pet Attorney Donna McCabe, where misplaced public trust in a jew cunt in a black robe is proximate cause of Tommy’s death. Let nature take its course. Society’s revenge on the jewdiciary. A few family court judges dead in a roadside ditch, the wrath of a free people protecting children. Headless AFC bodies floating in the Sound. Bullet ridden corpses of ‘forensic psychologists’ found in the Meadows. Who will protect children from jew court monsters? Only the deviant jewish mind finds pleasure in child abuse, isolation from mothers in ‘best interests’.
Editor’s Note: When the jewdiciary harms children, liberty necessitates eradication, the Sound is deep.
Who stands for Tommy?