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Jew of Bridgeport

Anthony Truglia takes on the title of Jew of Bridgeport, like Venice, but more ghetto, the now-famous Blog star Judge Anthony Truglia wears his crooked nose with pride, taking a pound of flesh, or in the case of Gus Zucco, a pound of kidney to go with a sack of shekels, the sole god of the jew. The FrankReport covers the story of ungrateful pig Tracy Simms, her jewish lawyer Randolph Richardson, the jewish game of post-judgment plunder and loot; including a kidney!

Now-famous Blog of the worst kind points out the significance of Connecticut’s intermediary appellate court, whose duty under Judge Not-so-Bright is to confer discretionary authority on his fellow jews of the rabbinical family court, to completely dismantle the rule of law, replaced with ‘best interests’ even when there are no children from Tracy’s rotten cunt. Three stooges Prescott, Clark, DiPentima ruled the ‘trial court did not abuse its discretion by increasing the defendant’s alimony obligation’. See it is all discretion of a jew in a black robe, no law, just a rabbinical court fucking over goy for shekels; no shekels, no jewdicial interference of goy life. Jews only fuck goy for shekels, kids for pleasure.

The story is straight out of the family court talmudic playbook, racketeering option. A family with money is targeted, the nefarious Rosemary Giuliano marks Gus as her prey, alerting other lawyers to avoid her victim, partner Randolph Richardson, handles Tracy while ringer Eva DeFranco plays Gus, as directed. Eva did such a good job setting up the mark, she lost a malpractice suit to Gus, but the jews march on. Gus is fleeced hard in the post-judgment sting executed by jew Truglia. The fix protected by the appellate court so well that Tracy did not even bother with a lawyer to defend her ill gotten cash and kidney pie. Purchased decisions come with warranties in Corrupticut.

What will authorities do when Truglia’s carcass is found in a Kansas roadside ditch, kidneys removed, throat blocked with pages of Chapter 25 of the Practice Book, copies of wire transfers to his offshore account, body covered in woodchipper excrement of appellate offal, above which twists a black man in a black robe, in tight noose hanging from a stout oak branch.

Read full coverage of the stolen kidney:  Man Who Donated Kidney to Save Wife’s Life Threatened With Jail Based on Legal Trick She Played Over $1 Dollar a Year Alimony  For those who are interested, the kidney lives at 84 Brimstone Hill Road, Patterson, NY.

Editor’s Note:  The separation agreement is flawed as division of the childless marital estate did not value the kidney, equitable dissolution entitles Gus to at least half of the kidney value.


How does the rabbinical court value a goy kidney in the calculation of alimony for ungrateful Tracy Simms?


Rosemary Giuliano calls the shots, money is the mark, Eva DeFranco plays Gus, while ex wife Tracy bags a kidney and the loot … jew lawyers conspire all the way to the bank.




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