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Crazy Peruvian nut job, Andes Mountain monster, Elizabeth Guzmán, satan’s foot soldier, incarnation of the anti-Christ, a beast in Virginia Delegate’s clothing, pushing jewish agendas of child sexual deviancy, human butchery, familial destruction, constitutional terrorism, in subversive attack on parental liberty. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky are proud of this ‘spic shit promoting jewery among a Christian people. Who better to advance jew legislation in derogation of parental rights with jewish opinion of gender confusion, than a hispanic nutjob, immigrant heathen, whom only weirdo Democrats from Fauquier and Prince William Counties can stomach.

Guzmán draws a bullseye on her forehead, begging a well-regulated parental militia to perform a high velocity pre-frontal lobotomy on her non-functioning brain that demands a perverted government to raise children on discretion of predators of child protective services. Dumb bitch missed civics lessons on American fundamental liberties that pre-date the founding, protecting parents and children from governmental interference. Guzmán’s alien concepts would get her stoned to death in Peru, no society needs her shit, which is why she represents the whacknuts of jewish zombies of the moral wasteland of Northern Virginia. Her proposed legislation would allow the state to criminally prosecute parents for not buying toddler son a Barbie doll, or refusing to cut his dick off, oi vey, the jews control Guzmán. Children are gifts from God, not to be fucked with by Guzmán and her psycho-jew pals.

Guzmán wants the state to control parental belief, suspend religious freedom, void due process protection, decide the gender of your offspring, jail non-conforming parents (citizens), misuse of criminal justice system, force obedience to a private agenda, poison kids with hormone treatments, induce irreversible physical and psychological harm, undermine society; basically bring humanity to an end … a very jewish agenda. No civilized society cuts off dicks, gouges a gash, labeling ‘transition’ as treatment. A special place in hell awaits Guzmán for advocating severing breasts from chests of young girls … a truly un-American ideology. Guzmán is nothing more than a child predator, a miscreant, a public jew puppet, funded by the Democratic Party, a subversive operator, told what to do, given a script, having no purpose in life, she sells her soul to the devil for a little political attention, validating her pathetic existence, played by monsters using her incompetence and anti-American attitude to destroy the concept of family … where even the Incas would have unceremoniously ripped out her heart to feed the dogs.

Guzmán’s crusade is to lower the birthrate of Americans, promoting the ‘replacement’ effort of the far left anarchists, destroying America from within, destroying the Christian majority, importing uneducated, colored folk from every shit hole in the world, eliminating culture, erasing history, erasing principles of the Founding Fathers, in the name of ‘social work’! Guzmán seeks to void the 14th Amendment, permitting the state to deprive parents of First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment protections … she is a fucking terrorist; treason comes with penalties. Using the police powers of the state to butcher children and jail their parents is exactly the purpose of the Second Amendment. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it. Guzmán incites imminent lawless action, she raises a call to arms of a free people in defense of children, in protection of the Constitution, institutionalizing child butchery, promoted under guise of Democrat Party politics of LGBTQI insanity, exposing jewish agendas to destroy goy life. Given modern ballistics, it is doubtful these child predators will dodge all the .50 cals aimed at their heads. Patriots will gladly sacrifice a cadre of tyrannical predators to protect children under the Tree of Liberty … this is America, something Guzmán cannot recognize.

The now-famous Blog history department notes that Guzmán’s ideology is a repeat from the jews of the Wiemar Republic, manifested in the deviant horrors of the Sexology Institute of Berlin, same folks who promote child prostitution, butchery, paedophilia, disciples of Magnus Hirschfeld, where in 1933, the institute was gutted by university students, its library contents burned, its founder exiled, by the will of the people … history will repeat, children are precious, Guzmán not so much.

Editor’s Note: Guzmán wants Virginia to be a gulag with jewish wardens, she wants to rape kids, she and her supporters are the reason for the Second Amendment. In a Mulsim world, she would have been beheaded already.

Guzmán with children to butcher and parents to jail, a domestic terrorist.


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