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Incompetent Mark Ferraro

The incompetence of Connecticut family court continues to astound. The blunders of judges and attorneys expose jewdical danger to children and society. These clowns have no clue to limits of their insanity, prancing around courtrooms, in complete ignorance of rule of law. Dumb fucks just doing whatever they want while mocking goy criticism in condescending tone; jews all.

Take Mark Ferraro, Esq. of Bristol, who deceives the public, claiming legal knowledge for hire of family matters, in reality he is just another hack, raping childhoods for shekels with jew bar pals.  Ferraro suckers a trusting client, charges big bucks, appears before Judge Jorge Simon, ‘spic idiot in a black robe, who orders parents to surrender U.S. Passports to their attorneys, no legal purpose, nothing related to dissolution, no court jurisdiction. But retard Mark Ferraro works for the judge, not his client. He holds the passport, illegally.  Ferraro eventually gets fired for being a walking fuck up, who only serves to prolong litigation, drain client’s wallet, and generally be a waste.

The client demands return of his U.S. Passport, but Ferraro refuses, for no legal reason other than to continue to fuck with a former client, retaliate for being fired, exercise of mental defect, ego compensation for his undersized dick, further the reputation of lawyers being pests to society. A U.S. Passport is property of the federal government, issued to a citizen for an official purpose, it is not a toy of pointless divorce litigation, it does not fall under family court jurisdiction, the state has no control over a passport, a private party cannot hold another’s passport.

Needless to say, when Bristol Police came knocking on Ferraro’s door inquiring about stolen property, the game of fucking with former clients came to an abrupt end. Dickhead will fuck with the little people for pleasure, but when the shit hits the fan, the State Department is notified, the police seek stolen property, the reality of federal law over jewdicial discretion of a ‘spic in a black robe, lunacy of scumbag attorney, all comes crashing down.

Another reason not to believe lawyers or judges, just because they speak, does not mean it is legal. The judges and the lawyers work together to fuck over goy litigants, laughing all the way to the bank, taking kickbacks under the bench.  Don’t think for a minute they know what they are doing, they don’t care about the law, nor clients, just the craft of plunder under the color of court discretion. Beware, the devil wears black and often a suit, with brief case, sitting in court lobby, calling himself ‘counsel’.

Stay away from Mark Ferraro and his cohort in crime Scott Lewis, two incompetents making up Lewis & Ferraro, can’t handle a passport, not going to do you any good in court.


Mark Ferraro, can’t handle a passport, just robs clients.

Lewis and Ferraro, a tag team to fuck over clients, violated federal law, laugh until the police

come searching for stolen property.

Idiot in black robe, ‘spic Judge Simon, claims jurisdiction over federal property.

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