The now-famous Blog notes the free expression of American Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina calling for the assassination of Vlad The Invader for world good. If children are the future of the world, then their protection is good. Applying the same logical principles of good to Connecticut Family Court’s tyrannical conduct, d’Blog calls for the ASSASSINATION of Chief Judge Richard Robinson, Chief Family Judge Michael Albis; senior tyrants: Adelman, Wetstone, Ficeto, Heller, Grossman, Moukawsher, Gould, Bozzuto along with GALs Hurwitz, Laliberte and Fay … for starters. Call it a purge.
Senator Graham alludes to Brutus, public hero eviscerating tyranny on the steps of the Roman senate. Spilling black guts of an emancipated slave on stone steps aside Capitol Avenue in protection of nutmeg children is a direct historical and polticial parallel. Senator Graham echoes Thomas Jefferson in refreshing the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants, a natural manure. As spring is near, a judicious application of jewdicial blood to the roots of Liberty could only bring forth stronger branches of freedom for children to climb on.
Jewette Katz seethes at Blog prose, claiming un-protected speech. Blog merely quotes a U.S. Senator in need of arresting tyranny, applies equal protection to children, espouses assassination necessity. Sort of what Jefferson opines regarding the Tree of Liberty. If jewdicial elite of Connecticut ignore Fourteenth Amendment restraints against state destruction of parent-child bonds, assassination is proper redress, a people’s remedy guaranteed with dry powder and shot of the Second Amendment.
Applying Graham’s words to Connecticut: Is there a Brutus in Hartford? The only fix to family court is to take out the chief judge. Unless children live in darkness, step up to the plate. You will be doing the children a great service.
Just sayin’ !

Et tu Brute?