Why does a licensed professional counselor treating a 15 year old girl in REUNIFICATION THERAPY hire Attorney John Sheehy to protect against disclosing ‘treatment’ records to the child’s mother? Is this Connecticut’s pedo game of exposing itself, again? Extensive ‘counseling’ paid for by a pedo father upholds child isolation over four years? Quackery? Pedophilia?
Meet Ashely O’Connor, a curious excuse of a ‘counselor’ who conceals her documentation of voodoo from a patient’s mother. Red Flag? The now-famous Blog takes note that Gabby Rookasin has been isolated from her mother for over four years by malicious conduct of father David Rookasin of Monroe. Daddy Dave is a minor attracted person with other personality disorders making him a danger to children and society as a whole. Daddy has money, which buys the expertise of Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, the expert protector of males who penetrate children. Discretionary ‘momectomy’ orders by jew Judge Jane Grossman made on the ‘recommendations’ of the evil pedo protector GAL Janis Laliberte confirm Daddy Dave is a protected pedo, purchasing decisions from the family court. Rounding out the usual suspect list is mom’s former counsel Lisa Knopf, Esq. who tossed her penniless client under the bus at the direction of GAL Janis for the sole purpose of keeping Daddy Dave’s child sex toy away from mom. Pedo players at Hall-Brooke Mind Control Center in Westport applied the necessary medications. Pyschiatric pedo Dr. Jeannie V. Pasacreta, PhD a professional psychopharmacologist and medicaid fraud artist, is also in on the child trafficking game, keeping Gabby pumped full of needless mind altering drugs at pedo daddy’s request. Rather strange that Gabby needs drugs but not hugs. Telltale pedo play.
Daddy’s pedo lawyer bill was north of a quarter of a million bucks. Attorney Kieren Costello laughing all the way to the bank. Pedo protection ain’t cheap in family court. Trafficking one’s own daughter requires serious payments to sinister players, keeping the child isolated from mother for the last four years requires even more foul play involving misconduct by ‘therapists’ and insurance fraud. What has the insurance company been paying for? Four years of voodoo with no results? What is the diagnostic codes reported by O’Connor? Why the medication? What is the legal basis that the court fails to provide a proper parenting plan as required by law?
The Blog smells the jewish pedo game of Judge Jane Grossman. The case is now before Judge Anthony Truglia in Bridgeport with a hearing scheduled for 16 March. Bring popcorn!