The shit show of Connecticut jurisprudence has appointed little dweebee, ball-less wonder Brian Staines, Esq. to protect the PUBLIC INTEREST when a rogue judge like Moukawsher disbars a zealous advocate for the rabbinical sin of arguing in protection of childhood against the jewish ideology spewed from the Talmudic bench by kikes in black robes.
Moukawsher issued his order on Wednesday in his fabricated disbarment proceeding of Nickola Cunha. Blog famous Moukawsher, suffering from intellectual impairment, requiring medication and a disability pension, spewed drivel, assigning protection of public interest to incompetent judicial office employees: Brian Staines ($131k), Leanne Larson ($127k), Marie-Louise Villar($117k), Karen Oliver Damboise ($113k), Nancy Pulito ($74k) and a secretary named Kim ($74k). A total constitutional freak show, ordered by an idiot in a black robe ($183k). The Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel will now protect the public interest from morons in black.
The Blog legal department notes that the PUBLIC INTEREST is protection of constitutional rights of the people. That the sovereign people are the State and that public interest is properly represented in a legal proceeding by an elected official commonly known as the State Attorney General. How does Moukawsher assign protection of the PUBLIC INTEREST to a clown like Brian Staines and his office of smelly tampons? Is this the BROAD DISCRETION of the court cited by jew Justice Ellen Ash Peters which propels the court on the principle of ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, rather than the rule of law? Does Moukawsher toss due process and equal protection to the wind, herding the four-legged goyim to the slaughterhouse of liberties?
PUBLIC INTEREST is piqued. The rabbinical court shreds the First Amendment, disbars a zealous advocate by wielding unbridled rabbinical powers to defeat the redress clause, then assigns public protection to incompetent staff whose paycheck is subject to jewdicial control, begging the flash and retort of the Second Amendment. Moukawsher incites imminent lawless action. The public holds interest to eviscerate all domestic enemies of the Constitution. .308 ball ammo preferred, night-scopes optional, kill shots required.