It is easy for the now-famous Blog to spot the ringers in the Connecticut family court who pretend to represent a mother, but throw her under the bus, under the veil of legal advice, then slither away with a few shekels, leaving her set up for the pedo smackdown and ultimate loss of her child. Meet one such ringer: Attorney Debra B. Marino.
Why would the zealously advocacy of protection of client rights allow a mother to submit to deprivation of liberty, senseless government intervention, by the undefined SUPERVISED VISITATION used in family court? Debra Marino specializes in ‘family law’. Is she retarded or playing for the dark side? Why would a mother have legal cause to subject herself to undefined SUPERVISION in the presence of the fruit of her womb? What is the legal basis? What is the state interest? What is Debra Marino’s game in telling her client to agree to such illegal activity?
Attorney Marino cannot even provide a legal definition of SUPERVISED VISITATION, cannot cite state regulations, licensing, training, or insurance requirements for the pedo scam created by jews for the benefit of jews to destroy the concept of motherhood. Marino a jew? Smells like one.
Spotlight these court whores. They play for the dark side to set mom up to be stripped of kids by broad jewdicial discretion. Common huckster theme is to take on mom as client, drain her bank, set her up, then withdraw as counsel; permission granted without question by the jewdicial authority, leaving mom open for evisceration of child. Marino is in the same huckster group as Edward Nusbaum, Richard Callahan, Shawna Hamilton, David V. DeRosa, Gerald Khan. The unwritten tricks of family court come to light with a little direct observation, something the jews do not want the public to see. Blog hounds can smell the jewery from a long distance.