The black man in the black robe is at it again. Nigger Judge Richard A. Robinson, chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court is making up new law on direction from his masters; the jews that run Corrupticut. The spade and his six crackers will face review by the Supreme Court of the United States for their fuckery of the First Amendment. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, judicial cause is to protect the First Amendment. Jake Baker, Gill Valle, Douglas Elonis and Ted Taupier walk into a bar, order some beers and have an American Yankee Doodle discussion of the corruption of the Connecticut Family Court. Called free speech there … asshole.
The discussion turns to the King Jew of the Family Rape and Plunder Court, Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon, the nasty, evil, self-appointed king jew who decides how Christian children are trafficked and how much money his Bar buddies will extract in the process. A simple Zionist agenda played out in the third branch of government to destroy the Christian foundation of family in the new testament society. Gill Valle, the Cannibal Cop, suggests a favorite recipe to barbecue Solomon for a 4th of July celebration. The talk turns to the dyke, Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, a most deviant, stupid, moron, disciple of Solomon who acts as Chief Judge of The Family Plunder and Loot Court of Corrupticut. Jake Baker suggests that she be punished for her crimes against humanity by being bound and bathed with lighter fluid, sodomized with a hot curling iron and lit up with a flick of his Bic. Doug Elonis starts rappin’ out some nigger lyrics about the lack of statutory authority to actually kill a tyrant, but makes for wishful prose … sic semper tyrannis!. Ted held some court papers filed against him in Judge Bozzuto’s court by the jew Attorney Geraldine Ficarra, the disgusting fat sloth from Essex. Ficarra filed a contempt action claiming that the kids had cavities and it was dad’s fault and that the court of Bozzuto should punish father for the fact that the kids had cavities because it was all dad’s fault; 5 serious cavities for Sarah and 1 for Gabriel. Needless to say, cavities are not a matter for family court, but that does not stop miscreants like Bozzuto and Ficarra from engaging in fuckery, that is just the game played in court to antagonize litigants and enrich lawyers. Fucking cavities! So why not drop some F35 smart bombs on Bozzuto, a death ray from the International Space Station, a couple of nuclear bombs in her swimming pool, maybe hide a tank in a cemetery behind her house and take her out through the bedroom window, or through the roof, napalm works as well. After all, the world would be a better place without Judge Bozzuto. Needless to say, Ted was a Bozzuto victim, two years in court to get divorced from Tanya and Bozzuto orders that the process start over….Ted & Tanya had money and Bozzuto wanted it all!
So some cunt named Jennifer Verraneault hears the discussion, appoints herself Ms. Busybody and tells cunt Attorney Linda Allard, who tells the Judicial Marshals, who tell the State Police, who tell Judge Bozzuto that people where talking about her. Oh, the injustice of it all!!! Family court victims talking ill of the Dyke on the Byke, the miscreant, deviant, ignorant, incompetent, Elizabeth Bozzuto. Oh my!!! If a state snow plow takes her out there will be dancing in the street. If God strikes her down with a bolt from the heavens there will be rejoicing. If she trips on the carpet and cracks her head open on the corner of her desk; life is good. So Nigger Robinson holds in his decision that the goyim cannot talk privately of the demise of their masters. Having voo doo dolls of Bozzuto, Solomon, Wetstone, Murphy, Munro, Adelman, Pinkus … all lined up at 250 yards down range of a .308 with a thirty round clip of non armor piercing ball ammunition is just cause for Nigger Robinson to silence your expressions and put you in jail, tossing the First Amendment to the wind. So much for freedom of religion.
Now Nigger Robinson, the black man in the black robe with no brain will have his pathetic decision reviewed by a real court. The Great Grey Ponytail of Connecticut, the Giant of the Legal Profession, Attorney Norm Pattis has filed petition for a writ of certiorari to the real supreme court of the land to bitch slap Nigger Robinson and his six crackers. Remember, the last time SCOTUS had to deal with Connecticut it bitch slapped Chase Rogers and her fellow morons by an unanimous opinion reversing the Nutmegs. Brown girl Sonia Stotomayor did the spanking on the dumb white ass of Chase Rogers…..pretty much sums up the worthlessness of the justices on the Connecticut court.
Stay tuned sports fans. Will your criticism of the state sloths be silenced by the new law of Nigger Robinson, or will the highest court in the land take Robinson out behind the woodpile and teach him about the First Amendment?
For those who don’t believe that Attorney Geraldine Ficcara filed an Emergency Ex-parte Contempt Motion on cavities, read it here. Family court is a fuckery game run by judges and lawyers to bleed family savings accounts dry….why not rant about it?
Attorney Norm Pattis. Giant of the Profession, Slash and Burn Trial Lawyer, Great Grey Ponytail. Tanya Taupier Aetna Vice President of Human Resources knows how to abuse children. The Giant Grey Ponytail Baby Aaden . victim of family court 90 Washington Street ISIS HQ