The New York State Appellate Court, Third Department has made famous the notorious court whore, Dr. Jackie Bashkoff, Ph.D. The famous blog has little to do but quote the opinion of Justice Christine Clark in the matter of Montoya v Davis to expose the whoring antics of the whore of psychology and the non Christian beliefs of Jackie Bashkoff, a state licensed terrorist, paid to traffic children by appointment of the judicial cesspool known as Family Court.
The famous blog detects that this whore is not a devout Christian, does not practice a benevolent faith, likely thinks of herself as chosen and that the children of the peasants are merely revenue generators and tools of pleasure to the pedophile predators of society. Dr. Bashkoff is a proud member of the jewish AFCC organization that preys on Christian children for profit. A zionist agenda played out in the gentile’s courts. Bashkoff is a veteran of spewing personal bias and prejudice at the invitation of family court judges. She proudly claims that she has performed over 2000 evaluations in her career, which works out to more than one a week for thirty-six years. A well used and trusted whore of the court indeed. There is nothing scientific about a court ordered ‘evaluation’. Just one jew appointing another jew to make prejudicial personal opinions about a Christian family and the kids. Truly not an element of the rule of law, just the rule of the Talmud in family court.
But a strange thing happened in favor of the mother Lori Davis at the appellate court. Justice Christine Clark hung Dr. Jackie Bashkoff and her psychological junk science out to dry. She crushed Whore Bashkoff for all to see. Revealed the foolish, bias, prejudicial game of the illusory ‘neutral forensic psychological evaluator’. The decision reveals the scam of family court in appointing expert whores to make unprofessional commentary on free citizens, which the court turns into evidence to justify trafficking children and promoting the jewish love for pedophilia. Justice Clark exposed the fact that there are no standards, protocols or quality control on these court ordered evaluations. The court is free to appoint Lucifer’s Daughter to entertain the court with ‘evidence’, to the glee of an inhumane judicial authority. Rule of law is lost, rule of pedophiles runs the family court. Justice Clark reveals that the court has no legal definition for a ‘custody evaluation’, has no accepted protocol for such ‘reports’ filed with the court and simply acts outside any bound of law known to modern man. The family court is the devil’s play yard whose judicial authority derives from Satan himself.
The opinion in Montoya opens the door to more questions. Why did NY State pay for Dr. Bashkoff’s ‘evaluation’? Why is the court allowed to purchase quackery, absent standards, protocols, contract? NY State paid the court whore to act in a discriminatory manner against the child and the mother in violation of federal ADA Title II civil rights protections. The Appellate Court did not recognize the federal violation in its opinion, but documented its existence. In effect, the court paid Bashkoff to identify disabilities of the child and use such against the mother, with the blessing of the court to the point family court Judge Jill Kehn of Columbia County, stripped mother of custody of her own child. The federal violations are grotesque, indicating that the Unified Court System does not have a clue when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Where are the feds? Where is the State Attorney General Barbara Underwood? Where is the governmental protections of mother’s and child’s rights before the bench? Where is the Inspector General of the Unified Court System? Is Chief Judge Janet DiFiore a pedophile too? Where is U.S. Attorney Grant C. Jaquith?
Regarding the legal protection of the child with disabilities, the state funded Attorney Bethene Lindstedt-Simmons of Chatham did represent the child before Judge Kehn. Needless to say the representation was completely incompetent as Bethene never raised an ADA Title II objection nor did she move the question of disability discrimination to the federal court. Bethene is one of the many worthless lawyers sucking state revenue under the Attorney for the Child program of the Third Department, run by the incompetent Betsy Ruslander, Esq. Interesting to note that the Third Department could not identify the federal civil rights deprivations of the child and the mother either through its appointed counsel for the child or in the appellate review. Bethene was replaced as AFC for the appeal by Attorney Alexander Bloomstein of Hillsdale, another AFC paid by the state, who can’t spell ADA.
Let’s examine Clark’s criticism of the so called family court…… Start with the opening blast: “Upon extensive review of the record, we find that a sound and substantial basis does not exist to support Family Court’s determination to grant the father sole legal and primary physical custody of the child, suspend the mother’s parenting time for a period of no less than six months and direct that, following her participation in counseling and court approval, the mother’s contact with the child be in a therapeutic environment.” All that jewdicial discretion of the family court, gets blown away at first glance at the appellate court. Oi vey!!! The rabbis are upset. Isolation of a child from the mother has basis in therapy? Not!! Then the next slam on Dr. Bashkoff is: “our review of the record leads us to conclude that her opinions and recommendations were afflicted by a pervasive and manifest bias against the mother…” Bashkoff’s discriminatory conduct of ‘pervasive and manifest bias‘ is a straight up civil rights deprivation under ADA Title II, for which NY State has duty to prosecute.
Clark, J, continues: It is apparent from our review of the testimony that, although paid to conduct a neutral forensic custodial evaluation, the forensic evaluator failed to remain objective, abdicated her role as a neutral evaluator and, ultimately, became an overly zealous advocate for the father. Throughout her testimony, the forensic evaluator consistently denigrated the mother and her husband and offered broad-sweeping characterizations of the parties, which appeared to be mostly informed by the father’s version of events and point of view. She was unable to answer simple yes-or-no questions without editorializing and using vitriolic language directed at the mother. In contrast, the forensic evaluator regularly praised and defended the father…” Why could not the Attorney for the Child, Attorney Bethene Lindstedt-Simmons see this, why could Judge Kehn not see this….unless they were both working to a private agenda of the need for the father to steal the child for unscrupulous and deviant purposes? Why could only the appellate judges see this?
The smoking gun is revealed by Clark, J: “with little to no explanation, the forensic evaluator’s recommendation drastically changed from her February 2016 report to her May 2016 updated report. The forensic evaluator did not explain why her recommendation had changed so dramatically or address her prior concerns about removing the child from his longstanding primary caretaker and subjecting him to another parental loss.” The point is clear, Dr. Bashkoff was told to rewrite her report to steal the child and cut mom out of the picture….pure pedo play!!! Judge Kehn was a willing participant in the child trafficking scam. Clark, J, further exposed Dr. Bashkoff’s game by stating: “The impartiality of the forensic evaluator was further called into question by her pattern of discounting the qualifications and opinions of nearly every collateral source that she came into contact with while preparing her reports.” Bashkoff was clearly on a mission providing false information to the court for sinister and diabolical purpose of trafficking the child. Clark, J, fingers the trial court judge’s conspiracy in the scam by observing: “The Family Court wholly adopted the forensic evaluator’s factual assertions, opinions, conclusions and recommendations, without any perceivable independent consideration given to the best interests of the child. In doing so, the court improperly delegated its fact-finding role and ultimate determination to the forensic evaluator.” Thus proving the judge was a willful player in trafficking the kid.
The judicial misconduct is palpable, but the appellate court took no action to hold these unscrupulous actors accountable.
Hats off to the Third Department for failing on top of failing. Complete, total, failure. The Appellate Court is now run by an openly lesbian miscreant sloth in a black robe, Justice Elizabeth Garry . Perhaps Liz could put down her rainbow flag and turn off her vibrator long enough to review the grotesque miscarriage of justice dealt upon the people by the family court. The incompetent judges, the incompetent lawyers, the incompetent oversight, the grand stupidity of members of the Bar who profit from a zionist agenda to defeat Christianity while relying on the jewish propaganda of psychology to traffic children, all funded by the taxpayer. It is noted in this case that all costs of lawyers and court whores were funded by the state taxpayer….a feeding frenzy for court whores. Note that Justice Clark did not order Dr. Bashkoff to return her fee. Money is the purpose of family court; money and child rape.
As for Dr. Bashkoff, she will never survive a challenge in future appointment as a ‘neutral forensic psychological custody evaluator’…. nor will any of her colleagues….the game is up! Federal lawsuit to follow, state judges named defendants.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The conduct of Judge Kehn and Dr. Bashkoff gives rise to a criminal investigation into the strangeness of this case. Child trafficking is criminal conduct.