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Court Whore: James Joseph Connolly, Ph.D

Time to spotlight another COURT WHORE of the family court cesspool of Corrupticut.  Another lecherous creep of the chosen, who is so detached from reality as to believe he is an ‘expert’ on your kids.  A certifiable pedophile who preys on vulnerable families, plundering savings accounts, raping children and acting by order of a chosen judge, wreaking  havoc on a Christian society to the glee of the jewdicial authority.

James Connolly is a demented nut job who inflates his own ego by claiming he is an ‘expert’ who can ‘evaluate’ parents, who can make ‘professional’ opinions, who is appointed by ‘judges’ as a matter of law, that ‘forensic’ means something in family court, who can provide ‘treatment’ to families, that ‘clinical services’ exist for family court, that ‘conflict’ is bad, that he is a judge of ‘behavior’ of others, that GALs assist ‘psychological experts’, that only ‘special’ shrinks like him can provide the ‘impartiality’ to serve the family court, that the rest of his profession is incompetent to take up a family court appointment….yadayadayada.

We call the above charade simple racketeering.  The judges only appoint their pals (Whores of the Court) to do family court pillaging.  It is a closed club.  Dykes, jews, pedo judges preying on children and their parents to provide miscreants like James Connolly lucrative assignments, providing financial incentives to the judges and their GAL pals.  Note that only court appointments come with high price tags.  Insurance companies will not entertain such price gouging for illicit psychological services.  Family court appointments are Connolly’s gravy train.

James ‘flym flam man’ Connolly claims that he can make a professional ‘custody evaluation’ based on non-specific training and thereby provide scientific conclusions for the jew judge to rely to destroy a family.  In reality, the so called profession of psychology has no such ‘science’.  A fraud, a cheat, a thief, a liar, a scam artist, James Connolly is a threat to society and to himself.  He is a danger to children and can provide nothing other than his own demented personal opinions in exchange for money, so ordered by a jew in a black robe.  Welcome to family court of Connecticut.

The delusional nutcase believes that there are ‘national standards’ that apply to his scam, there are none, the boy is a simple liar.  Connolly claims that there are ‘enemies’ of the family court and that the court system is not broken.  Of course the public is aware of the jewish game of Connecticut Family Court, all Christians are enemies of the wrath of Judge Solomon, the king jew and ruler of family law in the Connecticut Pedo Utopia.  Solomon proudly boasts that he has trained all the family court judges….to the agenda of Zionism.  The court system runs just the way Solomon and his jewish pals desire.  The court extracts as much money as possible from families before the bench…hallmark of jews.  It is obvious and Connolly benefits greatly from the jewish game.

Connolly has a financial agenda of preserving the system that rapes families.  Any Christian who attacks the court for the cesspool that it is, gets called ‘anti-semitic’.  Hiding behind a mask of Connecticut Progressives, pedophiles like Connolly can use labels to malign citizens seeking to uphold the Constitution.  Don’t like the dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto?  Connolly’s Progressives will label you homophobic, anti-gay, bigot or the like.  But hey, it is only the jews, dykes, gays and miscreants who profit from family court, so bring on the hate labels.  It is an American duty to hate those who prey on children.  It is an American duty to hate James Joseph Connolly and his brand of snake oil.

Read between the lines of Connolly’s blithering  to the legislature.  Such a COURT WHORE suffering from his own psychotic break from reality thinks only he and his jewdicial pets of the family court can properly rape a family and that no others should be allowed from outside the ring of the chosen.

Again, we highlight that junk science of psychology has no methodology supporting anything Dr. Connolly states in his remarks to the legislature.  Connolly cannot cite one published paper that supports anything that oozes from his drooling lips.  He is a documented liar.  It is quite American to hate liars, it is quite American to expose liars, it is quite American to pursue all who threaten children’s life and liberty.  Connolly should be scared, he is exposed, he is a fraud and he is an outright liar.  A typical Connecticut Family Court Whore.

Editor’s Note:  Attacks against the zionistic form of family court are not limited to Christian teachings.  No other religion in the world supports isolation of children from parents or financial destruction of a family.  Teachings and beliefs of Islam, Mormon, Hindu, Buddha do not use gifts from God as weaponry against parents.  The world religions despise the jewish court of Connecticut.  Judge Solomon and the legislature that enables his zionistic agenda should be scared, very scared.  Jihad maybe the only remedy left to save the children from jewdicial monsters in black robes.  Second Amendment holds purpose against tyranny and Zionism.

Connecticut Progressives: James Joseph Connolly, Sarah Ficca,  Phyllis Peterson, Trudy BrockettRuth Neaveill, Tina SmithSandra KohlerQuinton JohansenKarin SamathaJean McdermottMaria DamisBuck E. HenryDamaris ReidDiana NytkoMadeleine LeveillePeter CotronaMaryBeth Callan SerdechnyVirginia SchullDoris Loeb NabelDavid Edward DyerKenia Brittney ArmstrongJeannette LeSureSandra NadeauMartha CavaPhyllis Schneider WinklerGeoffrey BrownShawn M LangKristen PaivaJen ZamsteinJames DeadwylerMiguel Suarez-Daumont

Watch, the blithering idiot blither his idiocy before the legislative committee.  Self proclaimed ‘forensic psychologist’.  No reference to any professional publication, can’t even cite case law for his pedo opinions of other people’s families.  Connecticut Psychological Association of Court Whores tell the government how child trafficking and family destruction is to be carried out….by rules of whores, not rule of law.  Guy is a walking case study of delusional mental defect.  His profession holds no methodology to apply to a custody matter, but he lies to the world that he has magic sauce.

Self appointed forensic psychologist. Whore of the Court.
Whores of the Court.
Scam artist and family court whore.
Jew King Elliott Solomon Talmud Ruler
Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto
Dyke on the byke; rapes families for money….jew.
To be fair, the mafia never trusted jews.
Sarah Ficca, plant life form of no brains, no intellect, just a left wing jew Zionist (pedophile).